Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 I Cooked Today

    Early in the morning, Su Yuben was in the chicken coop, and picked out a plump, fleshy immortal chicken, and heard the sound of flying swords whistling past.

    Before turning around, the piercing sound stopped above her.

    With a loud shout, a sharp palm wind hit her.


    Su Yu was frowned, but the palm stopped in front of her.

    The palm wind didn't fall on her, but took the spirit chicken away from her hand with lightning speed.

    "What right do you have to touch this spirit chicken!"

    Su Yu took a step back before he could see clearly the well-dressed young man fighting against the light.

    I saw that the corners of his robe looked like rags torn by the claw marks of monsters. They were in tatters, but there were two silver snake swords that were polished to a bright spot without any stains, and they were tied together at the waist. The hilts of these two swords are exquisitely carved, and a scarlet tassel with dragon scale-shaped water jade hanging from the end hangs.

    At this moment, following his excited movements, the red ears fluttered.

    Su Yu felt a little familiar.

    Looking up, when he saw the other party's delicate baby face and cat-like eyes, which were different from the fiery temper, he finally matched.

    This is her sixth junior brother Yan Yan who practiced swordsmanship, right?

    Just as she was thinking, the letter left by that senior brother was opened in her mustard bag.

    The strong and powerful handwriting faintly lit up.

    [Junior Sister, please remember that the Sixth Junior Brother's sword heart is impure, and he needs to practice the Guiyi swordsmanship.

    But I was afraid that he would be impatient, so I practiced the blood-devouring sword technique that the ancestor of the Yan family had learned. This sword formula uses one's own energy and blood to nourish the sword moves, which is very powerful, but after practice, it is an evil way to lose one's lifespan. When I started, I asked him to destroy it, but he probably had already memorized the sword manual. Remember, once you find that his qi and blood dissipate, you need to urge him to stop immediately. If he cultivated to the third level and Feijian actively devours Qi and blood, it will be difficult to turn back. 】

    Su Yu frowned.

    In the novel, these six junior brothers seem to be under the pressure of Zhiqiong Peak's lack of golden elixir, but they still practice this evil way, and within a year they are all withered and their lifespan is greatly damaged. Finally, in the battle between immortals and demons, he chose to die with the demons, and even the whole body was not found.

    Su Yu gasped, and immediately looked nervously at the boy in front of him.

    Seeing that although his face was expressionless, he was still full of energy and his roar was loud, so he was relieved.

    "This spiritual chicken was bought by the fourth brother to repair the body of the third brother. You have the face to take it?"

    Yan Yan snatched the chicken and glared at her.

    When he entered the mountain, her temperament changed drastically due to the shackles of her cultivation.

    Not only can she not understand all the younger brothers and sisters who are more cultivated than her, but they will always occupy the Lingshi and Lingbao resources on the peak.

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