Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

    Under Wei Shuang's envious gaze, Mu Han, the eighth disciple of the Ice Ling Sect, picked up the small square glass dish on the table, and picked up a waist protection pill with chopsticks.

    The white mushrooms wrapped in the "waist protection" frost beef rolls are somewhat slender, but the tops of the mushrooms are round and round, like a small bamboo hat, smooth and delicate.

    When you pick it up, the red sauce and shiny oil will slide off from the top.

    Mu Han quickly put it in his mouth.

    The pill seemed to have just been taken off the iron plate, and a scorching heat rushed in immediately.

    As soon as you bite down, the thin and soft frost beef rolls are smooth and tender to the teeth, and the delicious gravy and fat water are splashed in an instant, but immediately fall into the crisp and chewy white mushroom texture, which is in harmony with it The full-bodied sweet sauce and the wild mushrooms contained in it are seamlessly blended.

    Chacha, chacha, every time he chewed, Mu Han made a sound in his mouth.

    The fresh and tender frost cow and the vigorous mountain fungus, like a piano and flute ensemble, double-attacked his sea of ​​consciousness, making him sweat profusely every time.

    "How is it, Eighth Senior Brother?"

    Wei Shuang stamped her foot on the thin ice anxiously.

    The eighth brother's mouth is all glossy.

    She watched with her own eyes, the lovely white mushroom disappeared from the tip of his chopsticks with the fragrant and shiny was so


    Mu Han wiped his forehead when he heard the words, his hard cheeks flushed slightly, looked at Wei Shuang, and coughed lightly.

    "Senior brother ate too fast, before I can remember the rich and delicious taste, it is gone. It is better to have another one, and senior brother will write it down carefully this time, and I will tell you later."

    Wei Shuang: "..."

    But say nothing , the frost on Mu Han's broken eyebrows slowly melted, and a drop of crystal dripped down.

    Su Yu hurriedly reached out and took out the jade slip, and hastily recorded the diner's 'taking investigation report'.

    Mu Han wanted another one.

    As a result, the disciple who was training next to him accidentally flew an ice skate towards his back.

    "Eighth Senior Brother—"

    The disciple was terrified.

    But before Wei Shuang could react, the golden core in Mu Han's body jumped out instantly, as if he was very vigilant, he condensed a "waist protection" aura, and shook the knife away.

    The golden core of a monk will not jump out of the body at will.

    But it seems to be hot... While braving the slightest bit of cold air, with a golden belt tied in the middle of the golden core, it couldn't help but swing around in the ice and snow, and then retracted after breathing.

    After such a circle, Mu Han suddenly came back to his senses.

    His golden core has woken up...

    it doesn't need to be attacked by monsters or monks, it will wake up by itself!

    Walking in the secret realm, he will no longer be in danger of 'sleeping' in the future.

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