Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 I Cooked Today

    Zhiqiongfeng's small kitchen was originally just an upside-down seat, and it has long been abandoned.

    But after Su Yu came, he gradually cleaned up and placed things, often new, and now he has a complete appearance.

    She likes to be in this little kitchen as she thinks about a new recipe recently.

    "Second Senior Sister, Sixth Junior Brother offended you just now, and I apologize to you on his behalf. He has a tough temper, but he didn't mean anything malicious, it's just that in the past..." Lu Yizhou lowered his head, and he couldn't continue.

    Su Yu waved her hand, "I know, I used to have a bad relationship with you."

    As long as she is not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed.

    "It's normal for him to hate me."

    Lu Yizhou blushed, "I've already told the Sixth Junior Brother all the things that Senior Sister has worked so hard for us recently. It's been a long time, and the Sixth Junior Brother has been in contact with the Second Senior Sister on the peak. I can experience it."

    He said and took out the oiled paper bag that was kept in the mustard bag.

    "This first-grade cloud-swallowing demon flower was brought back by the sixth junior brother. Second senior sister, you can use it."

    Su Yu put down the jade slip in his hand, fell on the recliner, and did not accept it. He just looked up at him, "So, it was him." Do you want something? Ask me something, just say it."

    Lu Yizhou took a breath, sure enough, he couldn't hide anything from the current Second Senior Sister.

    He hastily told about the sixth junior brother.

    Su Yu raised his eyebrows, "You want me to help him refine it so that he can comprehend the elixir of nine swords returning to one?"

    Lu Yizhou also knew that what he was looking for was difficult, but the second senior sister could refine the Qiza elixir, maybe it was not difficult What about her?

    He had a little extravagant hope in his heart, "Senior brother searched through Nanxun Library, only to find the Guiyi sword technique that can help the sixth brother improve his sword heart. But after the senior brother left, he was stuck at the level of Jiujian Guiyi. If If you can't break through, the Sixth Junior Brother's swordsmanship will stop at the middle stage of foundation establishment. Switch to other swordsmanship, and the senior brother said that his sword heart will never be perfect."

    Su Yu raised his forehead.

    He did give up Jianxin in the novel later, and switched to the evil way of blood-devouring swordsmanship, and he became a human being.

    The problems of these teenagers are actually more tricky than one.


    Lu Yizhou originally thought that the senior sister might not be sure, but he didn't expect her tone to be firm, leisurely and confident, and he was very pleasantly surprised.

    "What does Second Senior Sister need? I'll prepare right away."

    She didn't know this either.

    Su Yu squinted at him, "Wait."

    Lu Yizhou froze.

    "Cultivation is against the sky," Su Yu stood up from the recliner, "How can it be so simple to use foreign objects to solve all obstacles?"

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