Chapter 60

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Chapter 60 Did You Cook Today?

    The secret land in the north is remote and wider than the south.

    However, at this moment, Weishuang was a little one, sitting on the small bench with her knees bent, feeling that the secret place in the northern border was extremely narrow.

    She looked in front of her, and with Su Yucai's shovel falling down, a whole spoon full of red gold-like sauce paste, she couldn't look away at all.

    The king of the water, known as the most ferocious ice crab in the Ice Pond Lake in the north, is delicious and mellow at this moment, as if ice floes on the Ice Pole Lake emerged in pieces and floated in front of her in the blink of an eye.

    The Northern Secret Realm is too narrow.

    She couldn't help feeling this way.

    Otherwise, why would she be surrounded by this rich crab fragrance, as if she herself was a crab?

    Su Yu filled each of their small bowls with boiled shiny bald butter.

    Small lumps of crab roe and crab paste piled up on the steaming dragon beard noodles, delicate and full.

    And the golden crab oil flowed into the gaps of the dragon beard noodles in a short time. When you picked it up with chopsticks, you could see the essence of the crab that couldn't hang on the thin noodles and dripped to the bottom of the bowl.

    "Mix well before using." Su Yu smiled and showed Weishuang a demonstration.

    Her hand holding the silver chopsticks was steady and dexterous, and the tip of the chopsticks was neither light nor heavy, and she easily turned the dragon's whiskers from the bottom up several times.

    Immediately, the snow color of each root of the small bowl of Longxu noodles was evenly dyed with a golden light, and each root was accompanied by a few grains of crab roe and crab paste hanging on it.

    Such a bite, you can feel the mellow and silky crab oil, the firmness and fullness of crab roe, and the plumpness and fatness of crab paste, three different delicious enjoyment.

    The two sisters Weishuang didn't know how they used it.

    Inhaling like a whirlwind, the end of the dragon's whiskers splashed on their lips, and the golden crab oil fell, and they didn't bother to reach out to wipe it.

    Keeping your eyes open, you can see the golden and strong dragon whiskers disappearing into their chopsticks one by one.

    Experience the sweetness slowly revealing from the granule of crab roe in the mouth, as if being impacted by layers of gold magic weapons, and the fresh and mellow essence overflows and hits the refreshingness of the lips and teeth.


    the tip of their chopsticks touched the bottom of the small golden bowl at the same time.



    The two sisters were stunned.

    Micro cream blush.

    She just said that she didn't take pills herself, and left it to her senior sister...ah!

    "I, I," Wei Shuang's nose was so hot that the icicle was about to melt, and a trace of icy mist came out, "I'll just eat one bowl, and I won't eat the rest..."

    She closed her eyes.

    Immediately, she crossed her knees with guilt and blushed, and forced herself to settle down, refining the bald butter Dragon Beard Pill that was so delicious that it almost melted her Ice Soul Golden Pill.

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