Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

    Su Yu stood on the goose-yellow silver silk handkerchief, bumping constantly in front of the raging wind of Bitao Mountain.

    Sometimes the soft handkerchief is rolled into a ball, and sometimes it is spread flat, which changes with the strength and direction of the wind.

    Completely catch the disciples who were knocked down by the eighth peak or the ninth peak intentionally or unintentionally.

    The disciples, elders, and peak masters who looked up were completely astonished.

    The disciples with low cultivation all rubbed their eyes.

    And just for a short while, this piece was steaming and smoking, obviously it was a soft silver silk handkerchief just out of the oven, with a faint fragrance, and it slowly landed again.

    Descending to a distance of one inch from the foot of the mountain, it was barely on the verge of being eliminated.

    Everyone is staring blankly.

    Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Wei Zhao, who has no spiritual power at all, and the least likely person to climb Bitao Mountain, also slowly moved his wheelchair onto the light yellow flying handkerchief an inch above the ground.

    Immediately, the five-foot-large goose-yellow second-grade spirit treasure flew up tremblingly, and immediately floated halfway up the mountainside!

    Impressively, he caught up with the swaying figures of the eighth and ninth peak disciples in front, and knocked them into the air by dozens of them!

    A disciple of Zhiqiong Peak yelled happily, and it came from a distance, "It's what you deserve, hit us again!"

    "Ah, Lingfeng, come more violently~"

    "The good wind sends me up the green mountain with its strength!" The

    audience was shocked.

    How can she refine weapons?

    She couldn't cultivate at all, so she was already a waste spirit root.

    Why today... alchemy is forbidden, and she concocted a second-grade magic weapon! ?

    All the watching disciples and elder peak masters were stunned, unable to speak for a long time.

    "Why is she a weapon refiner?! The spiritual fire condensed from her five elements and miscellaneous spiritual roots can also refine weapons?"

    Yuan Rong, the naive master of the Eleventh Peak, finally realized his reaction, his eyes were full of surprise.

    Beside him, the peak owner of the twelfth peak, who was newly promoted to the third class, was a cold-faced beauty who seemed to be walking from the mist, and her body was not stained with the slightest dust. At this moment, her beautiful eyes, which were like condensation of mist, were full of surprises.

    "Why do I hear from my disciples that she is now a second-grade alchemist?" Her voice was like water, which was obviously related to the cultivation method.

    Eleventh Peak Yuan Rong hurriedly looked at Elder Zhang beside him, "Elder, what's going on?"

    Daoren Zhang was asked, and he had just had time to hide his shock.

    Old man... I don't know either.

    Nephew Xiao Su, can you refine weapons?

    But Zhang Daoren quickly coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment, "What a fuss. Who stipulated that alchemy cannot be refined? Who stipulated that five elements and spiritual roots can no longer be used?"

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