Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

    On the second floor of the Nanxun store, night is like day.

    But under the cover of the phantom array, ordinary people can't see it.

    At this time, Zhu Ying and Yu Dong were sitting together nervously, holding hands and looking forward to looking behind the bead curtain.

    Hang Wan'er on the first floor also looked upstairs from time to time, while Yan Yan kept wiping his sword.

    "I'm actually a little worried."

    Hang Wan'er sighed.

    Lu Yizhou stopped playing the piano, "Seventh Senior Sister, don't worry too much, Second Senior Sister sometimes misses, it's a normal thing."

    Speaking of this, he had a delicate expression, "It's just that once Second Senior Sister misses, the pill is too powerful, Is Elder Zhang here?"

    Yan Yan frowned halfway through hearing this, but in the end, the brows relaxed, continued to wipe his sword, and nodded in approval.

    "Indeed, there is no time when Peak Master is not good, only when she is too powerful."

    Chang Qing sighed while feeding Feiyu Linggu.

    "Last time, Senior Brother Lu used up all the Boba Pills. He was hit by the spiritual energy from the sky and had a headache for a day and a half. Later, when he made a move, the phantom array almost offended Elder Zhang."

    Hang Wan'er was still terrified.

    Listen, how worrisome this is.

    I don't know if Senior Sister Zhu Ying can bear it.

    Su Yu, who had just walked out of the bead curtain: "..." No way


    Su Yu coughed lightly, and looked at the delicate and small green jade bowl in his hand, "It won't be like this this time."

    Hang Wan'er immediately looked at Lu Yizhou, and went up to the second floor with concern.

    Yan Yan immediately called Ruomeng.

    Chang Qing held three hidden talismans of Elder Hong Yun.

    Su Yu: "..." As long as

    you are happy.

    She put the small blue bowl in her hand on the table in front of Zhu Ying, and smiled.

    "Try it."

    Zhu Ying thanked gratefully, and immediately opened the restraint in the small bowl.

    When I lowered my head and glanced, I was swayed by the beauty of the sea of ​​consciousness.

    In the small jasper bowl, there is soup water as clear as a mirror, reflected by the even green color of the surrounding, like a blue lake.

    And in the middle of this Wang Qingquan, there is actually a small red gold purse tied with silver thread.

    It is stuffed full, the money bag has a round belly, the mouth of the bag is tied with silver thread, and there are several pretty folds on the soft bag.

    The silver thread is also tied with a small and beautiful bat-shaped auspicious knot, which falls delicately on the red gold bag.

    Zhu Ying almost forgot that this was a pill.

    I couldn't help but look at the mustard bag tied around my waist.

    It looks better than her mustard bag.

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