Chapter 53

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Chapter 53 Did You Cook Today (Three in One)

    On the competition tower, more and more disciples came.

    Except for the peaks who all left, most of the peak masters and disciples who were not close to the barrier of life and death came.

    Wu pressured to stand around the competition tower, looking anxiously towards the edge of the ring.

    But there is a restriction here.

    They can only smell the smell, but they can't see the situation of the head and elders.

    "What's going on now?"

    "Good fragrance--no, I mean the sect leader is fine, right?"

    "Where are the other elders?"

    The disciples who arrived one step later asked those who were already there.

    "It is estimated that everyone has eaten at the table." The disciples present immediately conveyed.


    "Hey, senior brother, don't get me wrong, I mean Danxi."

    What is Danxi?

    On the spot, someone relayed it.

    Everyone heard that the sea of ​​consciousness was shaking like hype falling from the sky, "So, a temporary peak master who established the foundation has refined more than 20 bowls of pills?"

    Is it okay to use bowls?

    The point is, has the person been rescued?

    This is one question and three questions.

    "Elder, please let me in," several peak masters asked for instructions outside, including Yuan Rong, a third-class eleventh peak, "I will serve you as a guardian."

    However, Yuan Rong's expression was serious, and he shouted I didn't hear any feedback from the ban.

    He was worried that something might happen, so when he got half a step closer, he listened to Taoist Zhang.

    "Nephew Xiao Su, the order of eating this set of Dan meals is..." The

    corner of Yuan Rong's mouth twitched.

    Within the ban.

    The leader, He Tong, finished inspecting the pill in front of him, and was about to pick it up with his hands, when Yan Yan, who was behind Su Yu, presented him with silver chopsticks and a silver spoon with a sword.

    Just listen to the little girl with bright eyes and bright teeth, openly said, "Shou Peach Pill can be at the end. Longevity Pill can be placed first."

    Longevity Pill?

    The master He Tong couldn't help but look at the sea bowl in front of him. At the bottom of the bowl, there was only a small group of red rolls about the size of an almond, coiled several times like a dragon's beard, which was submerged in red oil, and only a small corner was exposed. Tangy.

    It is also covered with four white pills with engraved words - live together with the sky, the words are clear and the strokes are smooth. These four pills are only as big as mung beans.

    it is this?

    What Dan did was very weird.

    The leader, He Tong, nodded, and unknowingly listened to a little girl's words, and picked up the mung bean-sized white tablet with the word "Shou" with his chopsticks.

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