Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 I Cooked Today

    "Luck is changing at any time."

    Tianshengzong, on the Huoling Peak.

    Old Liu, who is strung with beads, looms faintly, only Mei Zhen'er can see it.     "The other party has noble people to help, and escaped the catastrophe of sudden enlightenment." Mei

    Zhen'er frowned .     "But I just figured out that the other party has achieved a small amount of success, so he can't help but be greedy for advancement, and soon he will suffer a greater backlash. At that time, luck will return to your side and help your junior brother."     Mei Zhen'er heard, Immediately his face relaxed.     She nodded calmly towards the anxious juniors around her, "It's okay, I'll go and see how the fourth junior brother is     doing. I have a hunch that he will recover soon, and he will be able to break through next time without any problems." The juniors around her looked worried. go.     Their second senior sister is very lucky and blessed by heaven.     She was right.     To Qiongfeng.     Inside Wei Zhao's room.     The two brothers and sisters looked up at Su Yu who was standing upright in the room from the ground and the bed.     "You, how did you do it? I've never seen this kind of elixir at the sect exchange office, and I've never heard of elixir that can improve the comprehension of the qin formula..."     Wei Zhao asked in shock.     Lu Yizhou immediately looked at Su Yu with admiration and expectation, "I've never heard of it from my uncles, nor from my senior brother before."     Su Yu coughed and put his hands behind his back.     how did it get here?     She knows a ghost.     I don't know if it's because of keeping the essence of the ingredients to the maximum to achieve the miraculous effect in the world of cultivating immortals, or because of the cauldron in the body, or both.     Su Yu's expression was also very strange, but he quickly regained his composure.

    "Isn't it because you have been frowning for the past few days, and the senior sister just flipped through the ancient books overnight, and got the inspiration to research it this morning. How did you hear it before?"

    This can also be researched?

    Lu Yizhou was greatly shaken.

    But sure enough, the senior sister developed it for him.

    "Then, can Senior Sister make other Bird Pills? I should be able to reach about 60% of the Perfection Realm now, if I take some more..."

    Wei Zhao's eyes lit up immediately, expecting to look at her.

    Can she refine the elixir that improves the comprehension of sword art?

    Seeing them like this, Su Yu's scalp felt a little numb.

    She's just cooking seriously!

    Who knows what will be next?

    Seeing their adoring and anticipating gazes on her, as well as the eagerness to rush to the school exchange office to buy new birds, Su Yu immediately put on a straight face.

    "Senior sister, I worked hard all night to come up with this pill that will speed up your comprehension of the qin formula. Don't you work harder?

    " Transformation to 100%?"

    "If this is the case, senior sister might as well cultivate a potato, what do you want!"

    Lu Yizhou immediately felt a basin of cold water poured on his head, which was icy cold to the bones, but it made him suddenly sober.

    In the blink of an eye, it seemed that there was another trace of ominous black air in his sea of ​​consciousness.

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