Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

    The Nanxun store is temporarily closed.

    The original guests all got the promise of a 10% discount if they come again, and left satisfied.

    The northern and southern disciples and elders who wanted to watch the excitement also gave the elder Sakyamuni face and did not dare to stay at the gate of Nanxun, seeing that his name was Su Yu... Senior Sister.

    But now Taoist Mu, who was furious, listened seriously.

    "Wu Wang, I've met Junior Sister Hang Wan'er."

    Mu Taoist looked at Wu Wang, who was holding a tin rod, with a wrinkled face, and the peak of the Nascent Soul, and saluted a few of his core disciples who were only foundation-building, oh, and had already cultivated the golden core. Shake it hard.

    Fifty-seven years ago, when elites were sent from various realms to deal with the riots of high-ranking monsters in the secret realm, he and Wuwang had cooperated and once called each other respectfully as senior brothers and younger brothers.

    Later, because of their similar cultivation bases, each other's tempers were tough, and they had conflicts, and they even tried twice.

    Both times he narrowly won half-strokes.

    But Mu Taoist knew that the Nascent Soul in his body was already dead, and unless he blew himself up, he couldn't hurt Wu Wang at all.

    Sacrifice him alone, you can touch porcelain, no, let Wuwang and Sakyamuni know that his determination in Nanxun would rather be broken than broken, and make them regret doubting Nanxun's strength of character.

    But now, Taoist Mu had just made up his mind tragically that he would do everything he could to make Master Wu Wang and his disciples apologize to his apprentice and Nan Xun.

    But in the end, Wu Wang, the teacher and disciple, became his...disciple?

    "Master!" Hang Wan'er had just accepted Wu Wang's salute excitedly, and looked up with a feeling in her heart, and she saw the immortal Mu Taoist with a dazed expression, and immediately exclaimed in joy.

    Wu Wang in front of Nanxun's shop was stunned for a moment, the wrinkles on his old face deepened by half an inch, and every inch was stained red, almost the same as Jin Haotian who practiced fire-type kung fu.

    He glanced at Su Yu, gritted his teeth, turned around, and squeezed out a hard old smile towards the Taoist Mu Taoist who rushed down with a loud bang.

    "Brother Mu..." Wuwang closed his eyes, his wrinkles twitched several times, "Don't come here without any problems."

    Taoist Mu: "

    I'm all right.

    He almost floated to the ground.

    Reaching out, he took out his ear.

    "Ah brother? Did you call me wrong? According to seniority, you are my apprentice's brother, so don't you want to call me master?"

    Wu Wang: "...!"

    Wu Wang took a deep breath, and immediately put his hands He knocked on the tin rod, and he looked at Su Yu, "The Sakyamuni never lie. I did follow the talismans of the Tiansheng Sect and found the Buddha. But he met Nanxun first."

    "Three prophecies, We gave two to Nanxun and one to Tianshengzong. Su... Sister, how do you like it?"

    Su Yu immediately looked at Taoist Mu.

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