Chapter 71

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Chapter 71 Did You Cook Today (Three in One)

    The onion, garlic and spicy aroma, accompanied by the multiple aromas of sesame, submerge Xiao Muge's five senses layer by layer.

    He couldn't help but picked up the silver chopsticks, picked up a piece of bean skin as thin as cicada wings mixed with chili oil-soaked vermicelli skin and chopped green onion, mixed with rich sesame sauce, and put it in his mouth.

    For a moment, the dense taste is hot and spicy.

    The vermicelli skin is soft and chewy, and mixed with the bean skin which is light and slightly muscular, it has distinct layers, soft but not rotten, hot and not lumpy.

    Accompanied by the rich soup, the mouth is full of fragrance.

    I couldn't help taking one bite after another, and drank the last remaining red oil soup with chopped green onion.

    The heat is comfortable in the arms, and it is full of joy.

    Beads of sweat on Xiao Muge's forehead gradually soaked the fine cloth that covered his whole body's cultivation.

    [Oops, Daoist Lord, your cultivation base of crossing the catastrophe leaked out in your sweat! 】


    With a breath, Xiao Muge put down the bowl stiffly, and walked into the cabin with his forehead covered.

    "It's amazing, big brother, is this an epiphany? Today, the wreckage of the second senior sister's third-grade treasure garment has no aura, and I don't feel anything after taking it."

    Hang Wan'er was curious.

    Everyone in Nanxun was puzzled.

    Xiumei Buddha sighed, "I lost again."

    Jin Haotian shook his head, "I have suffered a complete defeat."

    Su Yu: "..." The

    flat boat traveled through the clouds and mists for several days, and the four Nascent Souls of Taoist Mu continued to speed up the wind. After a long journey, we soon saw the sky full of yellow sand in Xijiang.

    All the way to the west, yellow sand is everywhere, and there are few people.

    Xue Ning and Weishuang, the five elements belong to water and ice, so they naturally feel uncomfortable.

    Fortunately, it didn't take long before an oasis and sea were looming at the end of the yellow sand.

    The lush greenery made everyone who watched the flying sand all over the place breathe a sigh of relief.

    When they got closer, everyone saw five mountain gates in the oasis, the walls were nine feet high, and the arches were painted with gold and wood and other weapons and green plant symbols symbolizing the five elements, and there were jade plaques erected.

    Five Elements Fire Palace,

    Five Elements Golden Palace

    ... Behind the majestic Wudao Mountain Gate of the Five

    Elements Water Palace

    , there are graceful small bridges and flowing water, pavilions, pavilions, or majestic main halls and side halls. The styles of the Five Elements are different.

    "You look amazing, why are you looking for a successor outside? Don't they have any disciples?"

    Hang Wan'er didn't understand.

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