Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

    On the top of Qiongfeng, the fragrance of wine and flowers are integrated and wafting everywhere. This is the best moment for a leisurely sleep and a rest.

    But at this moment, an exclamation suddenly broke the calm.

    It was rare for Yan Yan to indulge himself for half a day and wanted to be half drunk and half awake in the bamboo forest, holding his sword to see the scene, his complexion changed drastically, and his left index finger forced out the alcohol in his body in an instant.

    As soon as Yu Dong came back from the exchange office, he hurried over immediately.

    Lu Yizhou was all dressed in robes, rushing over with his piano in his arms.

    "What's wrong, Junior Sister Seventh!"

    "Seventh Junior Sister?!"

    They didn't dare to break into Junior Sister's room directly, so they could only worry outside.

    It took only half a day to hear the loud sound of a wooden table shattering in the junior sister's room, and then saw Hang Wan'er flying out of the room stepping on the red silk in pain and annoyance.

    In her hand was the Five Immortal Rope which had dimmed a lot.

    "Brother, a disciple ran into my room and hid in my bed!"


    Several people were immediately annoyed.

    "It's unreasonable to come to Qiongfeng to do evil." Lu Yizhou usually has the best temper, but he couldn't bear it now, so he immediately got up from the harp, and all the birds flew together.

    Yan Yan had more than thirty swords, flying through the air.

    Hang Wan'er stomped her feet, "At least the monks above the middle stage of Golden Core, I just bound them with the five fairy rope, and they were all shot away by the black shadow. Before I could see clearly, he broke out of the window!"

    Yu Dong looked, just See her room is a mess.

    He immediately looked dignified, took out the compass, watched the spoon handle on it keep shifting and vibrating, but couldn't get a result in the end, and frowned even more.

    "Go and call out the rest of the juniors. I'll go and see the second senior sister."

    Lu Yizhou immediately looked at Hang Wan'er solemnly.

    Hang Wan'er nodded heavily, pulled out the silver hairpin, and flew to the backyard.

    Suddenly there was a great chaos on Qiongfeng.

    The juniors and sisters stood nervously in the open space at the top of the peak, surrounded by senior brothers holding swords to protect them.

    "How could a golden core break into our peak to act wildly? This is bullying us without a master!"

    "This time, the second sister of the big competition brought us a great victory. Could it be that someone felt that we threatened their peak resources and wanted to Ambush us?"

    "There was no such thing before, and the inspector hall will never tolerate private fights."

    "Fifth brother went to the small kitchen to check, but he didn't find it." The

    younger brothers and sisters talked a lot.

    Hang Wan'er held the hairpin and listened, gradually practicing the exercises.

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