Chapter 75

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Chapter 75

    In the room, Su Yu took the boiled cabbage and asked the elders of the Shuilingmen to try it as clear as a spring.

    The Great Elder was already a god, and he lowered his head to take a look.

    The small petals of the white leaves rippling slightly in the spiritual spring in the bowl, like plain white water lilies, taken from the scene of enlightenment in the spiritual spring in the mountain behind the Shuilingmen.

    "I can feel its nourishment. It should be harmless to us. You can let Qianxi take some."

    The elder was afraid that he would try it himself, so he made Qianxi take not enough, which would affect this disciple's breakthrough.

    Su Yu nodded, and handed the small jasper bowl to Xiao Ning who was beside the bed.

    The Buddha put his hands together and stood beside him.

    However, when Tang Shui passed by, he took a curious look.

    In an instant, a smile appeared on his beautiful face, and suddenly the branches and leaves grew on the top of his head, and a white lotus bloomed.

    Nianhua smiled.

    Su Yu:

    There is another flower-shaped mold for the back kitchen.

    Everyone in Shui Ling Sect was stunned.

    Immediately, blossoming white lotuses bloomed in the house.

    Everyone felt the peace of mind, and their anxiety dissipated for half a point.

    Su Yu found a chair and sat down.

    Boiled cabbage, the focus of this dish is the empirical control of water volume and heat.

    Once the fire is turned on, do not open the lid to add water halfway, otherwise the temperature in the pot will change, the heat transfer between water molecules will be broken, and coagulated protein will be formed on the surface of the ingredients, making it difficult for the umami nucleotides to leach into the soup.

    The mirror-like clear soup is flawless because of the thorough removal of foam, which is also inseparable from the mastery of the heat.

    A bowl of clear soup is the double art of water and fire.

    "Take it while it's hot." Su Yu reminded in a low voice.

    Shui Qianxi felt that Yuanying was in great pain, entangled by nine lightning strikes, and the pain was carved into the bone marrow.

    When it comes to ascension, monks have to endure the nine-day thunder calamity, which is a hundred times more difficult than this.

    Shui Qianxi was not only suffering physically, but her heart was covered with a layer of fear and haze.

    She suddenly felt that it was impossible for her to ascend.

    Even if she continues to practice, she will definitely die when she crosses the catastrophe. She can't even bear the lightning strike from the Thunder Meteor Sect, and she trembles in pain, let alone the Heavenly Dao Thunder Tribulation.

    She can't.

    She is ashamed of her master and her younger brothers and sisters.

    She had the intention of retreating from cultivation.

    She could feel that the elder gave her a lot of spiritual pills to replenish her spiritual energy and stabilize her cultivation, but she couldn't continue.

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