Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 Have You Cooked Today?

    During the refining process, the essence of the first-grade monster beetle has been integrated into the five immortal rope, so that the rope has the power of a trampling hoof, so the remaining beetle meat should have no effect.

    This is used as a bet and will be rejected.

    "Senior Sister is talking about the Golden Pill, Qian Qingqiu, who tried to teach Fourth Junior Brother a lesson, right?" He is the chief disciple of the second-class Yuqiong Peak, and he has seen many Lingbao Lingdans.

    The discarded leftovers were used to gamble with him...

    Wei Zhao's forehead twitched.

    But Su Yu was confident in his brows and eyes, his eyes were condensed, without a trace of fear, he was very calm, "It's him, I only know this one golden pill.

    " Since then, she remembered.

    "Let's go, let's meet up with old friends."

    Wei Zhao: "...!"

    "Brother, I heard today that Chen Shuxin, the chief of the third-ranked second peak, has been looking for the third-ranked top five peaks and the top six ranks of Wupin. They must be making trouble!" On

    Yuqiong Peak, in a pavilion located between mountains and rivers, Qian Qingqiu in a blue robe was playing the piano.

    Junior brother Lin Zhen hurried over, filled with righteous indignation.

    "He used to hate Xiao Muge from Qiongfeng the most, and he must have made an alliance with the rankless ranks to get them.

    But if he finds an alliance with the third and top five peaks, he might not want to get rid of us! We are the second rank and the twelfth, and we will definitely be punished by them ." Challenge!"

    "Brother, we need to find an ally—"


    Qian Qingqiu was about to reprimand, when a challenging jade slip with rainbow light in the distance fell on his head.

    He was taken aback.

    "Anyway, Chen Shuxin has no good intentions, we have to be vigilant!" After Lin Zhen said that, he also stepped forward curiously, "Who doesn't have eyes and sends a challenge letter to senior brother?"

    Qian Qingqiu's face was complicated for a moment, and he put away the challenge jade slip.

    "To Qiongfeng."

    Lin Zhen: "?"

    Wait a minute, isn't the grudge between him and Lu Yizhou over?

    He even lost a bottle of Gathering Powder!

    Located at the critical point of the sect's secret realm, there is a tower dedicated to disciples fighting and practicing martial arts.

    Some peak ranks are not enough, there is not enough defensive formation, and the golden core stage monks cannot use their cultivation at will, so they will come here to compete in the tower.

    Each floor of the tower here is separated by several secret rooms with third-class defensive formations. If there is something to bet on, you can make a contract in the tower to prevent one party from losing.

    "Gambling arena, a game of one hundred spirit stones, the loser will bear it." The elder sitting at the gate of the tower threw out a secret chamber jade certificate.

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