Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

    "Second Senior Sister, why did it take so long to refine this time?" The

    sun set and Qiongfeng was pitch black. Lu Yizhou couldn't wait any longer and was extremely anxious.

    Yan Yan stood in the bamboo forest, frowned and said nothing.

    "Junior brother, it seems that the pill that helps you comprehend the nine swords returning to one is more difficult than my Qinjue pill, and it takes a lot of my sister's attention." Lu Yizhou tightened his brows. , I’m afraid there will be more failures. Even if the senior sister is very talented, there are some difficulties. But don’t worry, it doesn’t work this time, maybe it will work next time.”

    Yan Yan’s eyebrows twitched, he was forced to drag out just now, what did he say , the fourth senior brother didn't listen and just asked him to wait.

    But he had already practiced Nine Swords into One, but he had to buy the Nine Spirit Swords for the second step, which he couldn't afford, so he gave up.

    "I don't need it. I..." Yan Yan's thin lips were tight.

    Even if she really reformed her past and turned a new leaf overnight, even if she could concoct a miraculous medicine, she would not be able to cure him.

    Because what he wants is not the pill to comprehend the sword formation at all, but the sword!

    Yan Yan turned around and walked towards the open space by the river occupied by Su Yuquan.

    "Sixth Junior Brother, what are you doing?"

    Lu Yizhou hurriedly flew over to stop him, "Second Senior Sister does alchemy and doesn't like to be disturbed by others. Once she is blocked, her success will fall short..." Before he finished speaking, he

    heard the crisp sound of Lingbao hitting the riverside .

    They built their foundations and cultivated their ears and eyes, and suddenly heard Su Yu's gasped scolding.

    Failed? The alchemist was backlashed?

    Lu Yizhou's face changed drastically, he left Yan Yan behind, and hurried towards the river, "Second Senior Sister?"

    Yan Yan bit his jaw, immediately pressed the two swords around his waist with his right hand, and caught up with the wind.

    "Second Senior Sister, are you alright?" The

    sword forest and the open space by the river were about a hundred feet away, and they arrived in no time.

    At this moment, by the gurgling clear river, the smog is lingering, and there is a strong roasting smell that is overflowing with fresh fragrance. The smell of Hsinchu faintly radiates in the back, which lifts people's spirits.

    Lu Yizhou's eyes suddenly brightened, "It smells so good, is this a pill?"

    The red tassels on Yan Yan's swords trembled.

    This is Danxiang? He has never seen an alchemist open a furnace, nor has he ever eaten a pill.

    It was like the barbecue he had eaten outside before going up the mountain, but the aroma was more than a hundred times stronger than the one he ate that time.

    This is a pill? !

    Yan Yan didn't believe it, but there was a loud groan in his stomach, and his ears were hot.

    But in such a short time, he saw Su Yu wearing a long turmeric dress, her shoulders drooping, and she seemed to be in a daze standing behind the fragrant lotus leaf bag, her eyes were full of sadness, and she blushed a little when she heard Lu Yizhou's question.

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