Chapter 82

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Chapter 82

    The refiner burned the magic weapon into the original animal bone shape, and then turned it into a bowl of steaming dishes.


    But after thinking about it, it still makes sense...

    Inside and outside the projection array, everyone panicked and hid their magic treasures in their dantians or mustard pouches.

    "Fortunately, I didn't fight Junior Sister Su."

    Jin Haotian was sweating profusely, his tiger's jaw was just resisted from a burst wound, bleeding profusely.

    But he held on to his trident tightly, and would not let go of the blood.

    "It's another day to be grateful to the Lord of the Earth Palace." In the

    group arena, if he was asked to compete with Su Yu in the Jin Bamen -

    then they would go, everyone carry their halberds, and everyone would carry a plate of food when they returned. up.

    Grandpa's, it's scary to think about it!

    "It turned out that Junior Sister Su had kept her hand when she was fighting with us."

    Xu Thor also got up from the ground with a sigh, and helped Yu Dong beside him.

    Hang Wan'er raised her head, "So, this is the real ceremony to send the treasure away... Hey, I always thought that I had mastered the essence of Senior Sister, but now I realize that I am far from being half-performed by Second Senior Sister."

    Su Yu Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, he pinched his bleeding nose.

    Cooking a sixth-grade spear, no, cooking bone soup is too much for her.

    Excited to bleed.

    "Senior sister, sending away the sixth-grade magic weapon is already your current limit."

    Yu Dong murmured.

    "And it's a sixth-grade magic weapon that has been weakened to 70%. You must keep in mind that you can't do this again next time if you don't raise your cultivation level to Huashen. Otherwise, it's no joke that your dantian is damaged."     "

    Got it."

Staying up all night in the back kitchen pondering the dishes is harmful to the body.

    Su Yu nodded and accepted the suggestion to let them drink the freshly cooked bone soup.

    Three wood-type spirit keys had slowly appeared around her waist.

    Suddenly, there was a vine-like flower on her forehead, rippling slightly.

    'Mei Zhen'er' was lying on the ground, with both hands pinched into the ring.

    With one breath, they were spit out by the small world.

    "Congratulations, Junior Nephew Su!"

    "Congratulations, Master Su!"

    Everyone gathered around immediately.

    But soon they all realized that the elders and disciples of various sects who looked sluggish and had their luck sucked immediately surrounded Mei Zhen'er.

    "Tianshengzong, you guys are so ruthless!"

    "I am not stable in Daoism, I am greedy for meritorious deeds, I admit it, but borrowing one and paying back ten is simply despicable and shameless!"

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