Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 Have You Cooked Today?

    "I heard that Zhiqiongfeng is about to give up?"

    "Really? They are as strong as a bamboo!"

    "Well, I know a friend who is a disciple of the peak next to them. Arranging the materials at the peak, and preparing to move out of the third-class peak where I live now."

    "Hey, who will fight against them this afternoon? Are you so unconfident?" The

    sun was rising, and the disciples at each peak had finished their rest and headed towards the competition tower Edgeworth flies.

    But when they were talking to each other, several disciples were slightly scratched by a hammer of hostility.

    "Be careful, get out of the way!"

    "It's Iron Gang Peak!"

    Everyone turned their heads, and saw a group of ten people with broad shoulders and round shoulders, headed by a tall man with a pair of hammers on his back, quickly descending to the third floor of Bidou.

    The man with the double hammer stepped onto the ring and smashed the hammer to the ground.

    The man carrying the double hammer was extremely arrogant, but he quickly turned to the ruling elder who had already arrived in the ring, and respectfully asked for instructions, "Elder, we challenged to Qiongfeng, and it is not a violation of the rules to form an array in the ring?"


    The onlookers were in an uproar.

    The Elder Judgment who was meditating did not move his eyebrows, "It's not a forbidden evil law, it's fine."

    The man with the double hammer laughed, "Don't worry, Elder, I will ask the Elder to guard me later, so as not to hurt the innocent people under the ring." The

    Elder Judgment suddenly open your eyes.

    "The arena already has a defensive formation, and you need an extra guardian from the elders?"

    "So it's at least a third-class formation... Tie Gangfeng came prepared!

    " Dan can't get out of the formation easily, and any magic weapon Ren Zhiqiongfeng has is useless." The

    disciples looked at each other.

    When Chen Shuxin stepped into the competition tower, he couldn't help smiling.

    If he wins, at least one of the Tiegang Peak and Yunwu Peak allied with him will be able to step into the third-class peak.

    "I'll still sit in the arena of this peak, you keep watching. As soon as you have any news, report back to me." Chen Shuxin told his junior brother.

    After finishing speaking, he walked up the wooden ladder with a smile on his face.

    Before the end of the day, the entire third floor of the competition was already silent.

    The five members of Tiegang Peak were full of murderous intent, and the leader, Ji Tuo, looked out of the tower even more so.

    The onlookers, those with slightly lower cultivation bases, dare not look directly at them.

    At half the price, there was a spicy aroma of fried oil that changed from light to strong, wafting faintly from outside the pagoda.


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