Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 I Cooked Today

    To the dome, small kitchen.

    Su Yu also wanted to understand his current situation.

    She can't cook normally with the spiritual grass of the spiritual valley in the world of cultivating immortals?

    What is the probability of Yudan powder extraction appearing?

    Is it possible to improve the taste of Yudan powder?

    Su Yu, a retired king, found the joy and challenge of developing new dishes back then, and immediately became serious.

    To cook porridge, first start by sifting every grain of rice, and select out the rice grains that are slightly lower.

    After cleaning and soaking, throw it into the pot and light the fire.

    A bowl of porridge is also particular. It should be boiled without overflowing, and the heat should be just right. Ensure that rice grains and rice grains, rice grains and clean water, and rice grains and pot walls are gently tumbling and colliding just right, so that the grains of grains will pop into flowers, gelatinize and soften, and will not become pulpy.

    At the beginning, a regular diner came to her restaurant for three consecutive years, ordering a bowl of porridge every day, and it was unshakable, which shows the skill.

    At this moment, Su Yu stood in front of the stove and closed his eyes, listening to the movement in the pot, constantly adjusting the spirit fire, and once again entered into a wonderful sensory experience.

    In front of the eyes, the rice is growing and green, and there is a cloud

    of spiritual energy... Behind Lu Yizhou, he was dumbfounded when he saw her throwing the spiritual grain into the iron pot.

    "Second Senior Sister, are you hungry?" But

    why not use Bigu Pill.

    Lu Yizhou was full of doubts, and called Su Yu a few times, but she didn't seem to hear him.

    Just as he was about to leave, he felt that in the iron pot in the small kitchen, the aura of grain gradually cleared, filled and stabilized, which was a sign of successful extraction of the essence.



    Lu Yizhou froze in place, almost lost his mind.

    the same.

    It is the same as what the third senior brother ate just now. Even, the aura is more pure.

    And looking at Su Yu again, I saw that she seemed to be blessed, she took a step forward, and lifted the lid of the pot with bare hands. When the aura of the rice was at its peak, she shoveled out the moon-like luster inside with a shovel. Jade powder, put into a porcelain bowl.

    The action is done in one go!

    Lu Yizhou took two steps back and looked at the blue and white porcelain bowl on the stove in disbelief.

    For a moment, he didn't know whether it was his own dreamland of demonic obstacles, or he had entered the illusion of some master.

    So that's the case, no wonder, the jade pill powder that the third senior brother was full of praise before was taken out of a bowl!

    Everything makes sense.


    How can it be reasonable?

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