Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 I Cooked Rice Today

    Back in his room, Su Yu propped his forehead, looked inside his dantian, lost in thought.

    "I don't know why this cauldron can extract the essence."

    Is it the benefits of time travel?

    "The ultimate of all things is Tao." In the

    piano room, Li Ruchang said cross-legged.

    "Anything that pursues the ultimate will exert great power."

    "The third layer of birds facing the phoenix is ​​the elder Yuanying of our sect who has spent more than ten years in the mountains, lying on the ground and forming grass every day, sleeping with birds, and realizing The thousands of chirping sounds of birds are finally created."

    "Between the heaven and the earth, all things have spirits, and they are all Taos. Enlightenment is to understand the thousands of Taos in this world."

    Li Ruchang said this, his eyes glanced at the piano room .

    Seeing the various disciples plucking the strings of the qin, and their spiritual consciousness urging the sound of the qin, they turned into immature birds, although they were not powerful, they were only embryonic, but he still nodded in relief.

    "If you realize the qin sound of Bai Niao Chaofeng to the extreme, monks below the golden core will hear it, and the sea of ​​consciousness will be in turmoil, and no formula can be used. Even if you are standing opposite a sword cultivator, no matter how fast his sword is , it’s not as fast as your qin.”

    He said, looking at the last empty seat of the futon.

    Just as he was thinking of changing a set of Qin Jue against the enemy for this disciple who couldn't comprehend it, he heard a sudden sound of the piano outside.

    The song is high and the tone is urgent.

    Like a hundred birds flying to, breaking through the sky.

    Li Ruchang was stunned.

    In the piano room, all the disciples managed to mobilize their spiritual consciousness, and the dozens of immature birds gathered were shocked instantly.

    Several lifelike birds with plump wings circled fiercely and rushed into the piano room, singing sharply.

    In front of them, the immature birds and birds of these disciples are like pasted paper, which can be broken with a poke, and instantly shattered into pieces, disappearing without a trace!


    The disciples playing the qin suddenly turned pale and covered their chests in pain, obviously the sea of ​​consciousness was shaken.

    This is the backlash of Qin Jue being suppressed by high-ranking people.

    Martial Uncle Li hurriedly waved his hands and threw out his fourth-grade magic weapon, a Bronze Bell of Flowing Clouds, which enveloped a group of disciples who were not yet at the Golden Core Stage.

    At the same time, his spiritual consciousness was released, "My friends outside, please go to the Jiuyin Pagoda to practice."

    This Bainiao Chaofeng, who already had 30% of the power of the Perfection Realm, attacked the disciples of the Foundation Establishment Period at will.

    Too much.

    Uncle Li was going to punish the other party, but when he let go of his consciousness, he was stunned.

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