Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

    Northern Territory, Wilderness Town.

    As its name suggests, the town is located in a remote location, surrounded by barren mountains and ice fields, and the weather is cold. Even the spiritual energy sinking into the dantian has a tingling cold feeling, which is very difficult for monks to absorb.

    Even ordinary monsters are unwilling to do evil here, only those who are naturally resistant to the cold can survive.

    Therefore, on weekdays, most of the monks in the northern border do not go out often, and always concentrate on practicing in the cave of the sect.

    This makes the life of the monks very boring and boring.

    Many old people can persevere, but younger monks, whenever the southern border holds a comprehension fair every year, they must come out to have a look.

    "... Destined?"

    Xue Ning, dressed in a butterfly dress, immediately poured spiritual power into the wooden plaque curiously.

    However, there was no response, and there was no feedback from the wooden sign.

    She was a little disappointed, flipped over a few times, and looked into the empty shop with her eyes that seemed to be condensed with mist, "What kind of fate?"     "

    I guess it was a joke."

Bai Die wore a flower skirt, but she had one more water ripple on her sleeve than Xiaoxue Ning.

    "We heard in the northern border that most of Nanxun's elites have transferred to Tianshengzong. Maybe all the disciples from Nanxun this year have gone to the secret realm to help each other, and no one is watching the shop." When

    Xiao Xiaoning heard this, her round face also flashed a moment of amazement.

    Every year in the cultivation market, the sects in the southern border divide their troops into two groups. One is to take their monks from the northern border to the secret realm to search for magic weapons and kill monsters, and the other is to sell some cultivation items refined by their own sect in the market street outside the secret realm.

    The first secret realm mutual aid is the key point.

    Because of the variety of exercises in the southern border and the suitable weather, he often goes to the secret realm to practice and has rich experience in killing monsters.

    Unlike their harsh environment in the north, monks don't go out often, and their ability to practice in actual combat is much worse.

    So every year at the market, their monks from the north keep going to the secret realm, hoping to learn some experience in the secret realm from the disciples in the south and grow up.

    "Senior Sister is right."

    Xue Ning patted her cheeks lightly, and took a last look at the wooden sign, but couldn't hide her regret.

    I thought that there was something new about the Nanxun store this time.

    However, the disciples of Nanxun are also pitiful. The elites have all left. It is said that the treatment of the sect is extremely poor, and the disciples are all living in great pain.

    Miss Mei Zhen'er was kind, so she insisted on accepting them.

    "Hey, I don't think there are any powerful alchemists or weapon refiners in Nanxun, otherwise I would like to help them." The

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