Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

    Wanjian Mountain.

    Xi Quan was about to go to Wanjian Valley to learn enlightenment, when he received a letter from Feijian.

    【Disciple, come to Qiongfeng, and bring your kendo experience recorded in the golden alchemy stage. 】

    Xi Quan frowned.

    Master's lifespan is about to be exhausted, and he has not retreated to enlightenment, and today he went to Zhiqiong Peak to be self-willed?

    He took a deep breath.

    It's just capricious.

    But he wanted to break the mirror quickly and find Yannian's spiritual grass, but the master kept making trouble.

    Xi Quan was tired, but he still hurried to the sky and headed towards Qiongfeng.

    On the sword, he took out three sticks of purple smoke and lit one.

    When the three roots are burned out, he will return to the peak to practice.

    Master is wayward, he can't.

    He wants to let Master live!

    After less than half a stick of incense, he saw the slightly deserted top of Zhiqiong Peak in the distance.

    He had excellent eyesight, and happened to see a strange old man with white hair in a shawl and black hair at the root of his head, walking towards a group of disciples with his hands up and down.

    "Uncle Mu?" Xi Quan was surprised.

    Go to the small kitchen of Qiongfeng.

    Today, Su Yu is listening to Wei Zhao in the wheelchair report on his work.

    "There are still five days until the next round of big competitions. Now that the juniors and sisters have returned from the Meditation Institute, the sea of ​​knowledge has risen steadily, and the progress is faster than before. Sister, we should grab the position for the second round of third-class peaks Ready for the war."

    Su Yu sat on the recliner, watching over the stewed broth, and nodded when he heard the words, "I heard from you that the

    questions given by the Elder Hall are different every year." The 12 newly determined third-class peaks answered and ranked according to their performance.

    Although they are all third-class peaks, the difference between the first and twelfth disciples' spiritual stones and pills is three or four times.

    This is like a branch of the group. When applying for funding for renovation, the group always allocates more funds to the branches with better performance.

    The weak eat the strong, unless you become the king!

    Su Yu shook on the recliner.

    Wei Zhao glanced at her and continued, "The second round of Nanxun's centuries-old round has four questions, and the content is decided by the elders of the Inspectorate. Flying sword to pass on the letter, so as to keep the topic from leaking out."

    Su Yu nodded, fair.

    "However, one of the four questions remains the same every year, that is, all the disciples from the peak come out to challenge a fourth-grade monster. The elders will grade the disciples based on their comprehensive exercises, heart formulas, and actual performance."

    Su Yu raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows, "Fourth grade? Then you mean that we are going to practice in the secret realm now?"

    Wei Zhao smiled wryly, "Fourth grade monsters are not something we can solve together, they are equivalent to Nascent Soul monks. The elders don't ask Let's kill it, just to see which peak performs better. If we go to the secret realm by ourselves, there will be no elders to protect the law, and it will be very dangerous. Usually, the disciples will simulate the battle at the peak."

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