Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 Have You Cooked Today?

    Wan Jianshan, Zhang Daoren who guards the third questioning heart formation, has reached the peak of Yuanying a hundred years ago, but at this moment, his right hand can't stop trembling in front of a pill.

    This round pill lying in a small jasper bowl, the snow white is dotted with blood, like a trembling red plum tree, falling on the condensed snow with the wind, it has a unique scenery.

    Although the surface of the elixir is not smooth and uneven, like a novice refining it, but——

    Zhang Daoren lowered his eyes and looked at the little finger of his right hand that touched the elixir.

    I saw a small piece of wrinkled dead skin on the fingernail, which was suddenly attracted by a spicy blush from the elixir, and slowly fell off as the blush spread.

    The old skin faded away, slowly revealing a new texture as if it hadn't seen the sun for a long time.

    Once the panacea is separated from the preserved jade, the medicinal power will continue to disperse and gradually lose its power.

    In less than a moment, the blush overflowing from the pill expanded by three points, with a bit of oily and fresh spicy smell, spreading to the root of his little finger, approaching his old bark-like palm.

    This time, there was no significant change.

    That is to say, the dim yellow spots on the back of his hand will lose three or four grains in one breath!

    Zhang Taoist was stunned.

    His hand, which was extremely stable with the sword and could kill the third-ranked peak master with one move, was instantly scalded, and he couldn't hold the pill firmly, and let it fall directly to the bottom of the jasper bowl.

    He staggered forward for a moment, seeing the little Dan roll three times at the bottom of the bowl, he was so distressed that his sea of ​​consciousness almost tore apart.

    What a Dan!

    Could it be the legendary Yannian Dan? !

    That unscrupulous head, in order to exchange a sixth-grade Yannian pill for the master of retreat, directly agreed to let ten elite disciples go to Tianshengzong to work hard for ten years!

    The elixir was personally escorted back by the head of the sect and the three senior masters of the Discipline Hall.

    At that time, he looked from a distance, and saw that the long box of warm jade was sealed with the four prohibition formulas of the transformation of gods, but he couldn't see what was inside.

    I just heard that taking one can increase your lifespan by two hundred years.

    Zhang Daoren held his breath, with trembling hands, holding the jasper bowl, he added thirteen Nascent Soul peak seals to it with the momentum of thunder, and added thirty more anti-peeping restrictions.

    After doing this, he wiped the sweat from his brow.

    He hadn't been this flustered for at least a hundred years.

    【...The elixir, people from Zhiqiong Peak said, when taking it, a small opening should be made on the surface of the elixir...]

    Daoren Zhang's eyelids twitched.

    How could Zhiqiongfeng have such a life-prolonging panacea?

    And this method of serving pills, could it be that it is unique to Yannian Dan, which is fighting against the sky?

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