Chapter 102

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Chapter 102 Did You Cook Today (Two in One)

    Hanging silver light, like the telephone line of the Nine Heavens Milky Way, gradually disappearing.

    Everyone at Zhiqiong Peak stood where they were, and when they saw the celestial glow, they were pleasantly surprised and let out an exclamation.

    "Ah senior"

    "Oops, we lost senior senior brother!"

    Everyone wailed and began to panic.

    Even Su Yu couldn't keep his composure.

    Kitchen staff-1.

    "Second senior sister, senior brother has taken on several important positions, such as legal affairs, express delivery... more than 300 clones."

    Back kitchen staff -300+.

    Pain welled up in the chef's heart.

    Su Yu took a deep breath.

    He Tong, the head of the sect, and the elders of all factions came to congratulate Taoist Mu with joyful faces, but they were frightened by the expressions of their masters and disciples of Zhiqiong Peak.



    "..." "In     the fairy

    world, our senior brother won't be alone, right?"

Second Senior Sister."

    "He's not entangled enough, and the little devil is difficult to deal with, so he won't be bullied."

    "That's the end. Tianlei is so fierce, and the fairy world is not easy to mess with."

    "Eldest brother still has three hundred on our side . There are many things to do, going to the fairy world, will it be too boring, he will lose the goal of immortal life immediately."

    Everyone: "..."

    Why bother to think about it, the retreat elders, thought hard for a moment, and decided to go back to retreat again.

    He didn't want to listen to the heart-wrenching words of these disciples.

    Ascension is a great joy, why is it the same as going to suffer?

    But Zhi Qiongfeng's master and apprentice were troubled for a while, and still smiled after the catastrophe.

    The ascension was successful~

    Eldest Brother, at least everyone is fine.

    If it really doesn't work, we have to wait for them to ascend and send the telephone line up.

    "Each of us will go up and make a section of telephone line. Is it feasible to connect them together?"

    Su Yu listened for a while, and thought it might be possible, and a signal tower is needed to connect?

    She thought about it seriously, but before she could figure it out, there was an endless stream of guests visiting her.

    The war between humans and demons is over, and Master Su's seven-story secret mansion tower and breakfast car have officially settled in the seven major cities of the demon clan.

    More and more demons have grown meridians, and the demons have been optimized by the seven dragon balls burning fairy grass, as if they were newborns, just like human cultivators, they have established a practice life of absorbing magic energy and running the small circle.

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