Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

    On the top of Qiongfeng, near noon, the sun is shining brightly.

    Su Yu opened the door, and saw the demon boy standing in her courtyard.

    Really don't let Second Senior Sister rest.

    Lu Yizhou stood outside the courtyard, blushing and blaming himself.

    Seeing Su Yu coming out, he hurriedly said, "I don't mean to urge the second senior sister to refine it now. I just want to ask the senior sister to see if these spiritual materials are available."


    Su Yu nodded in satisfaction.

    This future assistant can be taught by a child.

    The essence of cooking lies in the quality of ingredients.

    The so-called chef is just a craftsman who maximizes the charm of the ingredients themselves.

    Therefore, checking whether the ingredients are available is always the chef's first homework.

    "Take it out and have a look." Su Yu was in a good mood.

    Lu Yizhou nervously looked at his mustard bag.

    Gritting his teeth, he took out a quarter of the first-grade Garuda that had cost him five hundred spirit stones.

    He didn't have much savings, most of which had already been spent on exchanging the body of the zither for the zither formula. He had 1,200 spirit stones on him, and nearly half of them were gone today.

    "Senior Sister, this is a Garuda. I bought it from an exchange office." Lu Yizhou carefully grabbed the brown paper bag and handed it over.

    Su Yu took it, and before opening the paper bag, he stuffed it with weight.

    The tip of his nose moved slightly, and his eyebrows frowned slightly, "It's not very fresh, it seems to have been around for a while."

    Lu Yizhou was surprised.

    Second Senior Sister knew it before she opened it?

    "Well, a while ago, the first-grade Garuda suddenly flooded and attacked the monks outside. So Tianshengzong issued a reward mission to hunt Garuda in the southern border."

    Tianshengzong, the largest sect in the southern border? Isn't this the martial art of the heroine in the control group?

    Su Yu raised his eyebrows.

    The heroine is a group favorite and luck buff in Tianshengzong, and she is well-received in the sect.

    Unexpectedly, I heard the name of this sect so soon.

    In the early stage of the novel, Nanxun School and Tianshengzong are the two sects that help each other in the southern border. Originally, they had a good relationship, and they even sent disciples to each other's sect to study their lessons.

    But in the final battle between demons and monsters, a group of reckless monks who only talked about blood in Nanxun were fooled into acting as the vanguard, and many elders and disciples fell one after another. However, Tianshengzong hid behind Nanxun and ended up unscathed, becoming human monks big hero.

    Su Yu pursed her lips.

    Before this episode happens, she needs to grasp Zhi Qiongfeng's right to speak as soon as possible, and cultivate capable lieutenants and go-getters.

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