Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

    On the flat boat, three formation disciples are taking in, no, they are sorting out their new sea of ​​consciousness.

    Many monsters that were inseparable in the past can be successfully put into the small golden balls in the sea of ​​consciousness. If the sea of ​​consciousness is not enough, there are still small golden balls in the dantian.

    Soon the three broke through.

    They do not lack the perception of daily practice, but the habit of storing them at any time.

    Master Su guessed right.

    Seeing that they were now unimpeded, Su Yu nodded in relief.

    "Let's go to the northern border, twenty people, um, now twenty-one people are divided into four teams."

    "Little Su, you take your disciples from Baiyu Peak and Zhiqiong Peak to follow Elder Zhang. Brothers Qian Qingqiu and Lu Risheng, You take the other three teams."

    Qingxuan spoke on the boat.

    As they traveled to the north, they could easily encounter the cracks in the sky formed by the burst of aura.

    Therefore, even the Nascent Soul cultivator dare not shrink the ground into an inch and make thousands of miles in a day like in Nanxun.

    To the north, the speed of the airship is about one day.

    "When you arrive, Xiao Su, you will first take care of our Nanxun shop in the back market, selling talismans, magic weapons, etc. Other teams will go to the secret realm to help the northern border kill monsters and find spiritual grass. Every five days, the shop will be staffed with The team in the secret realm rotates once, and everyone can experience it.”

    “Thirty days later, when the mutual aid in the secret realm and the market shop are combined, the sect that gets the most traded spirit stones will be the first.”

    “Have you all understood this?”

    Qingxuan looked at everyone.

    Everyone nodded.

    Led by Su Yu, behind her stood Hang Wan'er, Yan Yan, Yu Dong, Lu Yizhou from Qiongfeng, and Changqing from Baiyufeng.

    This time, Wei Zhao left behind his younger brothers and sisters to take care of the two peaks, but did not follow.

    Qingxuan nodded, turned to look at Su Yu who was flipping through the map of monsters, and put a restriction on him.

    "Shoushou Pill is enough to tempt monks above Nascent Soul. This time you are away, don't try to refine these, so as not to attract attention."

    At the same time, he gave Su Yu a stack of hidden talismans, "Elder Hong gave you these. "

    Su Yu couldn't laugh or cry, "Thank you, elder."

    Qingxuan was also scared, and turned his head to point to Ruomeng who had just broken through to the peak of the Golden Core.

    "You follow Su Yu too."

    "Add Elder Hong's secret talisman to the illusion and superimpose them together."

    Su Yu reluctantly took the teacup from Yan Yan's flying sword, and immediately gave them two cups.

    "I know."

    She had no intention of causing trouble.

    More importantly, there is no restaurant that serves longevity noodles to customers every day.

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