Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

    Meditation Institute has a long history, and it was first proposed by the master of Nanxun retreat.

    He discovered that after practicing Mahayana, the strength of his spiritual consciousness will determine the speed of his cultivation gain.

    Therefore, he set up the Meditation Institute to specially train the strength of the spiritual consciousness of the disciples, so as to break the mountain in front of the disciples of Nanxun in the future.

    Currently, there are a total of 81 meditation rooms in the Meditation Academy, all of which are underground.

    There are four types of rooms in Tiandi Xuanhuang, each of which is different.

    Now there are only three Tianzihao rooms that Qiongfeng stepped into. In addition to supplying first-class peaks to practice on weekdays, there are also many masters, uncles and elders who come here to practice.

    In the Tianzihao room, there are not only bright and bright luminous pearls embedded on the four walls, but also fifty cold jade cold beds and silk futons for the disciples to unify their minds and minds during cultivation, as well as unlimited spiritual tea to relieve the fatigue of the spiritual consciousness.

    Compared with the sitting on the ground, the old cloth futon, and the lit candles in the is really a world of difference.

    Now this first-class treatment, not to mention Wei Zhao, even their master Mu Taoist has not been here a few times.

    When a group of juniors and sisters walked in, they were shocked.

    "Brother, I don't even dare to get on this jade bed. Is it true? If I sit on it, will it disappear?"

    "The silk futon costs ten thousand spirit stones. My patriarch, I'm afraid I won't be able to get up later." , I may not want to go!"

    A kind of joy that the juniors and sisters couldn't restrain, but they were cautious when walking in the Tianzi room, fearing that all these things would be taken away immediately, it was just a fleeting moment.

    "Use it however you want. But wait for Lingcha."

    Su Yu said leisurely.

    Instead, he took out a pair of silver chopsticks from the mustard bag.

    As soon as she opened her mouth, she used silver chopsticks to pick out small leaves of spirit tea from the jade box. They were all small, emerald green, tender, new tea that smelled light but not smoked, and put them into the jade-colored butterfly, "Don't drink tea to get full." It's over." The

    juniors and sisters were a little at a loss.

    But Wei Zhao nodded after thinking for a moment, "Drinking spiritual tea will be more effective when you have cultivated until your spiritual consciousness is exhausted. What your second senior sister means is, go to practice first, and don't be greedy for spiritual tea."

    Su Yu: "..."

    She just I'm afraid they won't be able to use the serious staff meal later.

    Well, there's nothing wrong with him saying that.

    "Thank you, Second Senior Sister, for your suggestion." The younger brothers and sisters responded in unison.

    None of them had forgotten that it was all thanks to their senior sister that they entered the Tianzifang. They were grateful, dare not forget, and cherished it very much.

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