Chapter 80

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Chapter 80 Did You Cook Today?

    This is really unexpected.

    Seeing the delicate golden gadgets in the paper cups, the edges of the clouds looked like waves and stamens, Jin Haotian curiously reached out and picked one up.

    Not much weight, so light.

    He threw it into his mouth without hesitation.

    In an instant, I felt a hot milky fragrance, biting down, there was a crisp sound, and the slightly sweetness burst on the tip of the tongue.

    Crack, crack...

    Jin Haotian couldn't help throwing them into his mouth one by one, but he couldn't stop.

    He nodded while eating, "Junior Sister Su, this pill of yours tastes good. It has a little spiritual power to replenish, but it doesn't seem to benefit my fire-

    type kung fu ." Distribute the paper cups filled with popcorn to the hands of everyone.

    But after a while, he felt something chilly touch the back of his head, itching.

    "What are you doing? Junior Brother Yu Dong, Junior Brother Yan Yan, don't touch my head, I will get angry."

    Just as Jin Haotian finished speaking dissatisfiedly, he saw Yu Dong and Yan Yan standing in front of him with blank faces.

    Neither was behind him.


    Hang Wan'er looked up at him like a ghost.

    Jin Haotian's waist was itchy again, as if something had climbed over it and suddenly tightened it!

    Bowing his head, he saw that the weeds on the ground grew up to his waist without knowing when!

    Turning around, he saw the branches and leaves of the towering ancient tree behind him wrapping around his head.

    "! Aww!"

    A ball of fire burst out of his body.

    The branches, leaves and vines quickly backed away, taking away the popcorn in his hand by the way.

    The tips of the leaves vibrate, flipping the popcorn to their roots in an instant.

    Layers of branches stretch out and long grass stretches, burying fragrant popcorn in the depths.     Crack, crack, crack —the sound of chewing popcorn and the

    rustling of leaves can be heard from the depths of the old trees and grass.     Under the amazed gaze of everyone, the lush old trees and wanton weeds in front of them are shaking their own green leaves and grass tips, as if they have been supplemented by something, growing two inches in one breath.     Qi Qi hung down the branches and leaves towards Su Yu who was still making popcorn with a cauldron.     It seems to be coveting the things in her pot, and it seems to be welcoming her arrival.     Su Yu cooked another big pot of popcorn before stopping, looking at the spring scenery in the garden, "Appropriate amount. That's it for today."     Master Su cleaned the pot neatly.     Only then did I take out the small bench in my mustard seed bag and sit on it, watching all the younger brothers and sisters feed the green plants in front of them and eat popcorn one by one.     The vegetation in the garden was trembling, and they nodded their petals towards the people who fed them.     In an instant, he made a way for them to pass.     There was a dull moment outside the projection array.     "Can pills be given to Lingzhi?"     "Is that okay too?"     "Then I wouldn't be surprised if there is a magic weapon to take pills tomorrow!" There was a     lot of discussion.     Elder Jin Shishi has a complex expression, the magic weapon is indeed capable.     Elder Qingrongmenbai looked helplessly at Qingxuan beside him.     "After all, you are also a person who practices wood-type kung fu. Although we have different sects, we are still half brothers. Your nephew Xiao Su has such abilities, why didn't you mention it to me earlier?"     "You should have known earlier. In this way, I should have moved Lingzhiyuan to your side of Nanxun ten years ago. In this way, we complement each other, are we afraid of catastrophe and lack of spiritual power in the wood system?"     Qingxuan: "..."

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