Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

    The gate of Nanxun Mountain is full of disciples, and it is tightly surrounded. There are people standing all over the mountains and plains, or flying with swords.

    The leader, He Tong, looked at Bing Zhou excitedly.

    Half an ancient spiritual vein.

    He saw Su Yu on the boat, as bright as a spring day, surrounded by the disciples who were going to the northern border like stars.

    He Tong's heart moved slightly.

    This is the future pillar of Nanxun!

    He couldn't help saying loudly, "Little Nephew Su, come back in triumph this time, on behalf of the disciples, can you share with us what you have learned?"

    Nanxun's disciples all looked at her expectantly.

    With his hands behind his back, Su Yu was still thinking about today's menu.

    This time, looking at the disciples who surrounded the boat and made it impossible for the boat to move forward, she blurted out.

    "There is a beginning and an end."

    "When you go out, you will have an oath banquet, and when you return, let's have a celebration banquet!" The

    head leader He Tong was stunned.

    Su Yu smiled and took a step forward, "This trip lasted more than a month, and the three disciples who have made the most progress and contributed the most to the mountain gate this month will report their names by themselves."

    Nanxun disciples cheered.

    Jin Bamen: "...!"

    Shui Ling & Ice Lingzong: "...!"

    They only hated themselves for coming to communicate too late, and it was too late to contribute to Nanxun.

    Not long after, two bold ones stood up.

    But there is no third person.

    Su Yu glanced at the crowd suspiciously.

    Taoist Mu is also looking for someone from Qiongfeng.

    As a result, the two people who stood up said, "We dare not say that we are the first in cultivation speed and the most diligent in this month, and only dare to be ranked second and third."

    The most industrious and assiduous people are not yet on the top of the mountain.

    The Nanxun disciples looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

    "Brother Wei Zhao doesn't know that Senior Sister Su is back."

    "At least twenty-seven or eight days in this month, he took Zhi Qiongfeng and Baiyufeng juniors and sisters to eat and sleep in the secret realm. I saw it at the exchange office. Once, he went to buy wound medicine."

    "If you want to say the hardest, it must be brother Wei Zhao. He practiced when he opened his eyes, meditated when he closed his eyes, and even devoted his attention to taking care of his juniors and sisters."

    Su Yu couldn't help chuckling . .

    Taoist Mu also stroked his beard with a bright face, "Okay, you are indeed my third disciple."

    After a while, Wei Zhaocai hurried back from the exit of the secret realm with the disciples of Zhiqiong Peak and Baiyu Peak.

    Their bodies were tattered, and many people were dripping with blood, but all of them had bright eyes, and their eyes were more determined and concentrated than a month ago.

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