Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

    By the small river of Canglin Peak.

    Su Yu's ginger sleeves were pulled up, revealing a snow-colored slender arm, which fit the image of a weak person who had not been able to cultivate for many years. However, she slashed open the belly of the fish, stretched her hand in, and took out pieces of the piranha's internal organs. on the ground.

    In a blink of an eye, there was only a clean fish body left, and it was thrown into the big double-eared cast iron pot.

    The fish head, fish tail and fish bones are thrown into the soup pot.

    Hang Wan'er, who was only half a step away from Su Yu, paused in the movement of flying out of the golden hairpin, her eyelashes trembling wildly.

    Yan Yan's dragon scale sword was only three inches away from the piranha, trembling in mid-air with a hum, and stopped.

    Lu Yizhou and Yu Dong were all stunned, Xiao Shiliu took a step back.

    This is their second senior sister?

    The shock they received at this moment made them more sober than the comb on the back of their heads.

    Want to rescue Second Senior Sister?

    Sorry, they are not worthy!

    "Who lied to me that an alchemist is not good at fighting? A craftsman can only use fire and a hammer?"

    "She used to be a sword cultivator, but isn't her water-breaking sword flashy?"

    "Why is she more like a knife cultivator ?" Knife repair?!"

    "Wait, I knew that she didn't make it to the ring at all in the first round, she was Zhi Qiongfeng's hidden hole card!"

    "Understood, she is training juniors and younger sisters."

    "This... also Yes, if she went to the ring in the last round, what's the matter with Yan Yan?"

    The disciples watching the battle discussed in shock before the projection array.

    The elders and the peak master in the audience also had expressions of astonishment.

    Especially Yi Ge and others, the former master of the Three Peaks, had even more dignified expressions.

    They have never seen Su Yu do anything, they have always seen her being protected by the people of Zhiqiong Peak.

    Even if she climbed Bitao Mountain that day, all she showed was her ability to refine weapons, and she didn't even have the ability to fly with a sword.

    And in Zangshu Pavilion, she was not one of the six people who comprehended the Wordless Heavenly Book.

    Even in the first round of the ring battle, he never played.

    They all had the preconceived illusion that she was just a genius alchemist who was good at refining weapons but not good at fighting.

    Such a genius either fell early, or was a weakling who had to rely on the blessing of a powerful swordsman in the future.

    Relying on the protection of others, even if you have countless treasures and the ability to refine magic weapons, is still a crime.

    On the road of cultivating immortals, there is no guarantee that people will not be killed and seized treasures. The road ahead is worrying, so there is nothing to fear.

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