chapter 2: final selection

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The demon attack ray. "Breathing of light fifth form: sun sleeping angle" i ran towards demon and unlock my sword and cut it's neck. I check on ray and...

Yn pov:

As i check her injuries thankfully she didn't have any serious one just few scratches. I tore a peice of my clothe and warped around her injuries.

When we got to the end there were only a few survivors. We got our crows. I name my crow raven. Then we choose our ore. I chose Scarlet Crimson ore.

I offered ray to live with me but she refused and wanted to go see Urokodaki.

I went back to my home as I saw no one to welcome me or make me food. "I wish you at least gave me a chance to explain myself nii chan" i mumble to myself. After making and eating my food i went to sleep. Next week some guy named Hotaru Haganezuka came by and gave me my official sword.

I see as reven comes and tells me about my mission. Without wasting any time I go straight to where raven leads me to. It was almost night time when i got there. "Hm we are already here and the sun hasn't fully set why not eat something" i thought to myself as i got myself some udon and some fruits for raven.

After eating i go to see where the demon is. On my way i saw a certain yellow hair girl. "Ray!!" I yell as i hug her. "Yn didn't expect you to see here" she says "aww are you sad to see me" i say with fake sadness on my face. "Hey that's not what i mean" " haha ik ik anyways let's go hunt down that demon" "mm".

We separated so we can search large area as soon as possible so we can sleep. After roaming for like 10 minutes i hear someone yelling. I ran as fast as i could towards the sound and i saw some lizard type of demon and it has a child wrap in its tongue.

I slash its tongue and grab the kid. "It's not safe for you here, go and run somewhere safe,okay?" I told that young boy. He nodded in response and ran away. "You let my food run away, looks like you're gonna become my food now" that's ugly lizard say."how dare you try to hurt a child" i said with the most cold express i can ever have. "Stop staring you brat".

No one's pov:

"Breathing of light second form: shadow slash" yn said as she run in lighting speed and throw attack from different directions. "So fast i can't see where this brat is" the lizard demon thought to itself.

The lizard demon senses her standing behind him so he triped her with its tail.
He wrap it's tongue around yn trapping her but she slash its tongue and got out jump in the air. "Breathing of light third form: Twilight" she said as she cut it's neck in inhuman speed.

Yn pov:

Finally after finishing this ugly ass lizard. I went and found ray who just finished one more lizard looking demon. "Nice move you got" i said as she smile. "Thanks but those are nothing compared to your" she reply "you sure you look so graceful while killing those demon i might fall for that" i said. "Oh come on stop joking now". "I wasn't joking " i said. " Yeah yeah anyway let's go find a place to sleep".

Reven and Ray's crow came and told us about the house with a wisteria family crest. We got there. An old lady come to greet us and show us our room. After we got our check up, we ate and then go to sleep.

"Goodnight yn" "night ray".....

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy it and please do vote...I'll see in next chapter

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