Chapter 45: beginning of new starting

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Suddenly I Heard a blast I go outside to see. I gasped as I saw master's manner burning to ground. Without thinking anything I run towards there.

The real fight begins
akaza, upper moon 1, muzan
Im coming for you be ready to pay for your sins


I saw everyone running to master's manner, everyone scream "oyakata-sam" as we all hoping to hear a response of he is here but instead we heard Himejima- Sam yelling "ITS MUZAN, KIBUTSUJI MUZAN!!!! THIS GUY WOULDN'T DIE EVEN IF YOU CUT OF HIS HEAD" he said.

All of us left silent for a moment before we all attack "breathing of light, fifth form: sun sleeping angel" i said as I leap towards Himejima- Sam who was attacking muzan. "Sky breathing second form, mist breathing forth form, insect breathing : butterfly dance,
Snake breathing first form, love breathing fifth form, water breathing tenth form, wind breathing seventh form, hinokami kagura" I heard everyone say as they all attack.

As I got close to attack I felt the ground left beneath my legs. I look down to see alot of rooms. "YOU SERIOUSLY THOUGHT YOU COULD CORNER ME? YOU ALL GOING HELL NOW!!!" I heard muzan said as he laughed. "IM SLAUGHTERING YOU ALL TONIGHT" he continues laughing like a maniac.


I stopped my fall and stand in unsual place soke doors were upside down then it hit me master is dead my all senses screaming to take revenge to kill every single demon here and that what I'm going for suddenly I heard around 100 of demon coming here. A devilish smirk creep on my face. "light breathing" I said as half of demon's head fall off "third form : twilight" I completed as the other half demon's turn in ashes too. "muzan be ready, you'll be dead soon" I said as I feel my anger my everything turning into my power I felt infnite power coming in me.

I sense someone, some old energy "this time only one of us will be alive' I said as I turn my head towards the demon "akaza"

"Well well if it isn't my old friend" akaza said "I rather have pigs my friend then you" I replied "light breathing fifth form: sun sleeping angel" I said as I run towards him as I cut his arms "not bad you indeed got more stronger" he said "yk becoming demon's offer is still on" he continues. "I rather die with dignity then living like one of you losers" I replied coldly.

"Enough talking now" I said "get ready to die to pay for your sin" I said as anger build inside me remember how he hurted nii Chan how he killed the person so loved me truly. "I'll kill you"

No one pov:

"Breathing of aura" yn said as a strang power possessed her, her speed her attacks her movement become so strong and fast, a shiver goes down his spine. "Second form: serene daybreak" the surrounding started to shake as akaza did his demon art and throw his attacks on yn.

She blocks most of akaza's attacks as she cut off his arms legs. His speed of regaining got decreased as he got his arms and legs cut continuously.

"Breathing of aura forth from: glimmering  northern" as yn getting ready to bow her final attack suddenly akaza disappear from there with a loud instrumental sound.

I cling my fist as my anger grow more and more.

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed. I'll see you in next chapter until then take care of yourself

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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