chapter 20: we met again

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"Just answer will you?" "There is but I'm not gonna tell you atleast not yet" he said with blush over his face. "I see, I'll be going. I have a mission tomorrow." "Hey yn be safe" he said. "Of course" i said with a smile and walked away.

Yn pov:

I woke up early and got ready for my mission. I walked out of my manoor and was surprised to see everyone and i mean everyone. "Oh what are you all doing here" "well we are all come to wish you well for the mission." I smile "thank you guys". "yn you better come back in one piece" shinobu said. "Of course" "oi don't you dare to die" "oh please I'm stronger than you" "whatever but still I'll kill you if you die." "Um okay?" "Yn please promise you will come back" "gezz why are you all acting like I'm going on some kind of suicidal mission. Oh and mitsuri i promise I'll come back" "I'll miss you while you were gone nee cha" "aw I'll miss you too mui" i said as i give him a big hug. "Kill those demons flamboyantly yn" "you got it" i said with a wink. Kabu climbs to my neck and it's like he is hugging me. "I'll miss you too kabu" he went to obanai back. "I'll pray for your safety" "thank you Himejima-san" i said with a smile. "If you come back in piece I'll give you shiro for a day" nii chan say i laughed and nodded. Giyu hugged me then everyone joined. "are you guys trying to make me cry." I said giggling a little. "Alright everyone i have to go now"


It was evening by the time i got to the town. "Hm let's eat something before patrolling" i thought to myself. I spotted a ramen shop. I went inside and ordered 'f/f' (favourite food) for me. When my order arrived a guy came and sat by my side. "Whatever this beautiful lady is taking is on me" "i can pay for myself" i reply without looking at him. "Oh come on don't be like that now" "go away I'm not interested". I sense his anger "probably never got rejected before" i thought to myself.

After eating i went out and was about to walk off when that guy grabbed my arm. "Now now if you do as i say, no one has to get hurt" "If you let go my arm by the time I'm done counting till 3. Your children don't have to get hurt." "What can a little girl like you can do" "oh boy you have no idea". "1" he didn't let go my arm but my glare was definitely scaring him"2" he loosened his grip. "3". I twisted his arm behind his back and pinned him down. Then I kicked on his head injuring his jaw. "Next time think twice before approaching anyone".

I walked away leaving that price of shit right there. It was late at night so everyone went home and locked there doors.

I looked around a bit when i feel someone's presence behind me.
"Oh well hello We met again" he said. "this time I'll make sure we never met again" i reply without looking at him."oh i love to see you try".

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy it and please do vote. I'll see you in next chapter.

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