chapter 37: tsuguko

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"Alright, let's find that pathetic thing" i mumbled as i walked inside the village.


"It's gonna get dark soon" i said looking up in the sky. Someone bumps into me "hey watch it" he says "perhaps try to use your eyes next time" i reply but whoever it was disappeared as soon as i look back. "Huh weird"


The sun is fully set, I'm looking for that blood thirty demon so far i got no luck. "Huh? Someone's fighting?" I mumbled as I followed the voice.

I stopped at the top of someone's house and watched a slayer fighting with a demon "night breathing first form: Connecting Star" he said and sent some powerful slashes that were shaped like a star. The demon which wasn't a moon took damage and recovered quickly.

"It's no moon so how"i thought to myself as i got prepared to jump in when needed. "Oh poor boy you thought that attack could kill me?" The demon mock him. "Night breathing Sixth Form: Full Blood Moon" he said tightly grabbing his katana and swinging it whole 360° that sent some really powerful slash. "Not bad" i mumbled.

The demon says something but i didn't hear it but then rocks around the area starts fly and sent straight to his direction. "Breathing of aurora" i mumbled as i jump off the top of house in front of him. "Forth form: Glimmering Northern light" i said as i leap in the air and send powerful slashes that cut through the rocks and some even get that demon. "i don't need your help" i heard him say. "Don't interfere with my work" i reply then turned my whole attention towards the demon.

"Hey you ugly ass, you aren't a moon so how did you do that?" I sarcastically asked him "oh it's no fun in talking so why not i show you" he said as process to fly more rock and somehow managed to make them like a drill which was coming straight towards me.

"Breathing of light sixth form: reflection" i said as i mimic the movie and a drill of slashes sending towards it. Both the drills crashed and made a really loud sound. "Oh come on atleast don't disturb people's sleep, they have work to do unlike you" i said fake pouting. He rolled his eyes at me. I ran in inhuman speed "breathing of light fifth form" and cut his head in half "sun sleeping angle". "W-what" he said all confused. "You aren't no friend of mine so don't dare to roll your pathetic eyes at me. I'm bored with you now so goodbye" i said slashes its neck.

I looked back and saw that guy gawking at me. "And what are you looking at?" "U-um no-nothing sorry" he said looking at the ground. "Were you the one who bumped into me?" "Probably" he nervously laughed. I shrugged it "By the way I'm really impressed by your breathing style" "really? Thank you!" He said excitedly. "All over you are strong and fast but you need to work on that stamina". "I'll keep in mind" "i want to ask you something" "yes?" "Would you like to be my tsuguko?". "Wait are you a hashira?" He asked fully suprised. I nodded "ah i would love to. Thank you for your offer" he said.

"Here have this" i gave him a map which leads to my manoor but it'll take him days to get there and alot of obstacles he has to face. That will determine if he is worthy of my time or not. "What is this?" He asked "a map to my manoor but you have faced obstacles in your way there also you probably find some demons. Even though I have killed most of them, there are still some left. If you make it there I'll train you myself" "ah thank you soooooo much" he bow his head "your name?" "Suzuki Akito" he said. "I'm yn ln. It's nice to meet you Akito I'll see you later."

With that i walk back towards my manoor. "It wasn't even a moon so why did the master send me there" I mumbled. Raven sat on my shoulder "oh hey raven" i said while patting her. "I really hope Akito make it, he have some great potential"


I went to shinobu's to check up on everyone. Nezuko jump right at me and
Tackles me down "aww i missed you too" i said while hugging her. "Would you like to stay here or go back with me?" I asked but she just looked at tanjiro's room. "It's alright you stay with tanjiro but don't disturb anyone okay?" She nodded and went to his room. "Where is inosuke?" "He is asleep" "that's nice. Oh and by the way i might have get a tsuguko" "wait really?" "Yeah his name is Suzuki Akito, he is good kid i think he is also around tanjiro's age" "I'm happy for you and I'm sure if he trained by you he is gonna be so strong" "thank you anyway i have to go now and sleep, I'll see you later" "of course" she said with a smile.

"Hmm nezuko isn't with me today so why not disturbed someone" i mumbled under my breath. I went straight to giyu's manoor and entered through his window. I looked around for him but there was no one. I sense someone behind me but i didn't move he covers my eyes "guess who" he whispers in ear as his hot breath brush against side of my face. "You do know it's pretty childish" i said taking his hands off my eyes and turning to face him. He was wearing a blue yukata, his hairs were down.

My arms wrapped around his neck as his found their way to my waist. "You know i missed you" i said coming close to his face. "Ohoo~ someone is obsessing" he said teasing me. "Hey!" "Sorry sorry, i missed you too". We looked in each other's eyes as we got lost in them. Our faces come closer on their own. His lips lightly brushed against mein "are you sure?" He asked "yes" i said in a whisper voice.

His lips crashed against mein. My hand crawled up in his hair. He was pulling me closer and closer till there was no room even for air. He gently set me to bed without breaking the kiss......

Alright i do not write smut so we are ending it here but just to let you know things got little heat up in between them. Thank you for reading goddamn we have 925 reads damn thank you soo much guys, i genuinely mean it i love you guys soo much. I hope you enjoy it and please do vote. I'll see you in the next chapter. Until then take care of yourself<3333333

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