chapter 39: fixing relation

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I went to kitchen and made something for myself. While cutting vegetables i heard soft knock on my door. "Coming" i yell and made my way to my doorstep. The person standing in front of me was no other then......

My brother, my face was blank no emotions were there. That's the face i usually give to strangers. "Hey sis" he said as he lightly push me aside and walked inside. "We need to talk" he said. "Is there anything to talk?" I ask as i prepared a tea. "Perhaps if you let me" he said. He took a few breaths in and out as he started "Yn I'm really sorry about acting like a jerk. I'm really sorry i said that about father. I'm really sorry to try to control your life. I'm really sorry for left you. I'm really sorry for prioritizing my ego who over you. I also have apologized to tomioka. I'm fine with your relation with him as a long as he doesn't hurt you. Please forgive me, i can't loose my fav. Sister once again"

"I'm your only sister" i reply as i handed him a tea. "Perhaps that's why you are my fav. Sister" i just roll my eyes him. "But I'm seriously sorry". I smiled at him "of course I'll forgive you after all you are my 3rd fav. Brother" "what! Who are the other two" "Sanemi and obania" i reply as i sip my tea. "I see" he reply with irritate voice. "Anyway how's hanako".

Flashback of 2 nights ago

Hanako ito she work as kukoshi under shinobu. Her job is to take care of I'll people and help them in their training. When nii chan and i got in nasty battle with upper moon 3 which was i think now 3 years ago. She took care of him and since then they are secretly seeing each other, i recent got to know about it.
Giyu and i was out for our date. After eating we were gone go to our place when i saw nii chan with someone walking down the hill. I pull giyuu and hide behind the tree. I was surprised when he didn't notice us.

I took a closer look "wait is it hanako?" I asked as the moonlight falls on her face "hanako? Who? That women?" He asked "yes" "i can't believe he didn't tell me and mad about my relation" i said after few seconds. "Should we give him a little surprise?" I asked as i got ready to jump in between them. "you don't wanna do that" giyuu said pointing towards them. When i saw i almost throw up. Nii chan was kissing her. "Ah my eyes" i said dramatically as i put my hands on eyes. "Let's get out of here before i actually throw up" i said to him and we start walking away.

Back to present

"Ho- i mean who?" He asked "don't play dumb with me, i almost throw up when i saw you both kissing the other night" i said while making a disgusted face. He spoke again after a few moments of silence.

"She was assigned to look after me when we got in a battle with upper moon 3. Thanks to you, i wasn't injured much. But she still insist me to rest. After that we talk whenever we crossed paths. After a while i asked her out. We talked whole night about everything with her everything feels right. When we weren't on good terms, she was there and told me to sort things out with you and let you take your life decisions for yourself. I would wanted to sort things out with you as soon as possible but i was scared of what you'll say, weather you'll forgive me for things i said about father, about try to control your life. Those things were stopping me from reaching out to you. The other night when you saw us i asked her to marry me after this mess is over. I wanted to spend rest of my life with her"

"Do you love her?" I asked. "I do, i love everything about her, the way she smile, the she laughed, the way she looked at me, her eyes, her hair, her voice, i love everything about her. She is sweet cheerful, she knows exactly when to say right thing to anyone" a smile made its way on his face as he talk about her. "never thought I'll see a day, when you'll actually love someone" he rolled his eyes.

"I had one last question" "what is it?" He asked. "Me or her?" "Yn please don-" "me or her?" He hesitate and spoke in few moments. "Her" he said. "I see" i took a sip of my tea. "i accept it" i said. "What?" he asked, fully suprised. "what? You actually thought I'm gonna ask you to choose between two important people in your life" i release a disappointing sigh. "Don't worry i just wanna gave you taste of your own medicine, of course I'm not gonna ask you to choose" i explain. "I'm sorry yn, i really don't deserve you" he said while smiling. "Of course you don't" he went silent as i spoke again. "but since you are my brother, i have to tolerate you"


We talk for few more hours then left since he was assigned for a mission. I asked some of my kakushi to make dinner for us. It was night time so nezuko was come out of her room and hugged me. "Ah there there" i said i patted her. "are you ready for your training?" I asked Akito who was peeking though slid door.

"Um yes" he said hesitatedly as he walk inside the room. "Since you aren't all healed up, we will do some light training" i said. "After that dinner, sounds good?" I ask. "Ah yes yn-sam"

50 push up, 100 times swinging katana and 2 rounds of hill. That was for starting. I had cut 1 round to hill cause Akito collapse in mid way. After that we eat and went to sleep.

Hey guys, I'm really sorry for taking sooo long to update, i kinda lack the motivation to continue this story. But I'll try best to upload on daily basis. Thank you for reading, i hope you enjoy it and please do vote. I'll see you in the next chapter. Until then take care of yourself<333333

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