chapter 15: mess

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Giyu's pov:

I woke up with direct sunlight on my face. I looked around and spotted her.......

She looks so pretty. She is sleeping beside my bed. Her purple black hair falls on her face. I was so lost admiring her that I didn't even notice that she was awake. "Ne what are you looking at tomioka-san" she said in her adorable voice.

"Nothing special just admiring the view" i said and she blush. "Hey shinobu do you wanna go out sometime?" "I thought you would never ask" she replies excitedly. "It will be pretty shame if i didn't ask a gorgeous women like you" "get rest of now we will go out to eat tonight sounds good?" She asks "of course".

(I cring so hard while writing this😭😭)

Yn pov:

I woke up and made myself something to eat. "Raven can you tell Sami and obanai to meet me at the training ground?" I asked my crow "caw caw you got it" he said and flew away.

After eating i made my way to the training ground. "Hey losers how are you" "you are late and why did you even call us here?" Obanai asks as Kaburamaru climbing my leg to my neck. "huh it's pretty weird to see you all silent Sami. Oh and i called you guys here to train obviously" i said while patting kabu . "Are you sure?" "Yeah" i said with a smile.

"Who's going first" Sami asked "me and I'll let you decide who is gonna fight me"
"Alright I'll" obanai said. Kabu went back to obanai.

"Okay on count of 3" "1......2......3....". "Breathing of light second form: shadow slash" "breathing of Serpent third form: coil choke". We said as we run inhuman speed and send slashes at each other. "Breathing of light third form: Twilight" i said as i jumped and ready to attack him when he blocked it with his katana. "breathing of Serpent forth form: twin headed reptile" he said as he jumped and attacked me from front. "Breathing of light first form: beam of light" i said as i sent a light beam towards him and made him and kabu blind for a few minutes. I walk towards him and touch him with my katana which makes me a winner.

"You got alot stronger than before" i said. "And you are still pretty strong" he replied. "Alright it's my turn. Better be ready cuz I'm not gonna lose this time." "Oh please you have said that for like the last 5 fights we had" i replied to Sami.

"On count of 3" "1......2......3". Breathing of light" "breathing of wind" "fifth form: sun sleeping angle" "ninth form: Idaten Typhoon" we said. He did backflip and sent a powerful slash which i cut with my move. And rush towards him. "Breathing of wind fifth form: cold mountain wind" he said as said double the size slashes. "Breathing of light second form: shadow slash" i said as i dodge them and send slashes towards him which he cuts too. "I see you definitely got stronger than before. But still you aren't gonna defeat me" i said as i jumped in the air. "Breathing of light fifth form:sun sleeping angle" i rushed towards him in mid air. "Breathing of wind third form: clean Strom wind tree" he said as a whirlwind of slashes created around him. "Breathing of light sixth form: reflection" i said mimic his move and create a whirlwind of slashes too. We clash and a loud thrust can be heard from meters away. We both were on the ground exhausted.

Obanai rushes to check on us. Thankfully we got only minor injuries like cuts and a few bruises. Me and sami was gaping for the air. "Well good job" i said. "You did well too" he replied. "Both of you are idiots, get up so i can take you to butterfly manoor" obanai said as we try to get up but falls back. Rengoku and tengen come at the right time. "We heard a loud ass thrust did you do that?" Rengoku asked in his usual happy energy. "Yeah" i said while trying to get up again. "It would be really nice if you two help us to get up". "And why did we do that" rengoku asked "I'm sure you don't wanna become a donut right now do you?" I reply while giving him a death stare "alright alright don't kill me with that stare of your I'm coming". He said as he helped me to get up. "The explosion was epic tho" i said to Sami . "Agreed we should try it again" "oh definitely" "it was pretty flamboyant, hey rengoku we should try to do something like that too" tengen said while they carried us to butterfly manoor. "Of course" he replied.

We reached the manoor and saw aoi. "oh hey aoi" i said with a smile. "Oh hello yn-san, oh you and shinazugawa-san need to be treated. Please follow me" she said as she led us to one of the rooms. She treats our wounds and leaves us to rest. "So are you going to tell me why you exactly called us." Sami said. Tengen and rengoku had already left to train and try to recreate the explosion we did a few moments earlier. Obanai was in the room with us too.

I turned my back as i gathered the courage and said. "I told shinobu about my feelings towards giyu." "And" obanai asked. "She didn't take it well and ended our friendship" i said as I felt tears forming in my eyes again but i quickly wiped them again. "Why didn't she take it well?" Obanai asked. "She also likes tomioka and gonna confess soon" Sami said.

Kabu was trying to comfort me. I smiled at him and said "it's alright kabu I'm fine.""Hey nn it's not your fault" Sami said. "I know". I sit up when both guys hugged me. "Are you both trying to make me cry?" I asked. "Don't kill me but do you wanna poison that insect" Obanai asked. I just glare at him "just trying to cheer up." "You sucks at it so don't try. Anyway let's go and eat something" "sure" both say in union.


We were about to enter our fav. Restaurant when Sami said. "Hey let's go somewhere else" "why" i ask in confusion. "Nothing let's just go somewhere i don't feel like eating here." There was definitely something wrong he was acting really weird. He eyed obanai who looked inside and said "sanemi is right let's go somewhere else this place is pretty crowded." "Alright" i said as I tricked them into moving away from the door. The minute they moved. I went inside and my heart shattered.

Giyu was feeding shinobu and he was laughing with her. "You know you are really beautiful" he said which made her she blushed like crazy. I ran in tears Sami and obanai was shouting my name as they tried to catch up with me. Eventually i stopped but had no idea where I was. I looked around and saw nothing but trees. "Probably in forest" i mumble.

I heard some noise coming from bushes. I was ready for attack when i saw Sami. Obanai was behind him. "YN I KNOW YOU ARE SOMEWHERE HERE JUST COME OUT." He yell. I stayed silent. Kabu must have sensed me because he came and climbed my neck trying to comfort me. They both followed him and found me in pure mess.

They both hugged me and said nothing letting me cry out loud. Eventually i passed out from all the crying.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy it and please do vote. I'll see you in the next chapter.

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