chapter 31: ocean blue eyes

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Heyyyyyyyyy guyssssss been sooo long i got a little time so I'm uploading this chapter. I'll try to update this story on Saturday. If i could I'll upload chapters more often....... Anyway

On to story now:)))))


"By the way yn, what are these bruises on your face?" "Oh these giyu and i kind of cross paths with the upper moon 8 and 9 yesterday" "grezz how many moons get attracted to you" "no idea" i said as we both chuckle a little.

Yn pov:

"Oh look who's here" sami said point towards the gate. I ran to hug him "nii chan how are you". He patted my head and replied "I'm good yn but what happened to you. Did tomioka do this to you? I swear to god I'll rip him apart"

"hey hey easy. And he didn't do anything. Giyu and I crossed paths with the upper moon 8 and 9 yesterday. Plus he saved me twice i think during battle" "he? Saved you? Yn what happened to you? Huh? are you growing weaker? You need to train hard!" I instantly regret telling him that. "Yeah ik I'm sorry" " you need to stop underestimating your opponent. You could have been killed if it wasn't for him" i just look at the ground.

"Oi it's enough. You just come back from your god knows how many missions and the first thing you decide to do is scold your sister. She fought 3-4 upper moons by now and how many have you fought huh? Just one and even for that yn had to save your ass. so instead of scolding her you should probably get trained by her" sanemi said. "sami" i mumbled looking at him.

Nii chan just gave him a look of anger and said. "You are right I'm sorry yn." I smiled at him and said "it's alright and you are right i need to train hard. I still couldn't able to defeat any upper moon on my own well except for one (upper moon 7) but she was weak af. If i struggle to fight these lower rank upper moon then how am I gonna defeat him who killed our father." I clenched my fist. "I can't let him live freely after killing our father like that. He has to die and i don't care if I have to die in the process".

I felt tears in my eyes desperately trying to escape. A pair of arms hugged me i look up to see nii chan. "Shh it's alright I'm sorry okay? We can do this and don't you dare to talk about dying i can't loose you too. You the only family i have left"

"um i got to go byee see you both later" sami said and left.

"You know last night when i almost died and i saw father with same strict tone but he did tell me to you that he is really proud of you and love you. He also said he will always watch over us". "Is that so" i hummed in response. "Hey do you wanna train?" I asked "sure but get better for now, we can train on this weekend". "I got to go now, I'll come by your manoor tomorrow" "alright see ya".


I made my way to giyu's manoor since he didn't come to training ground. I knocked on the door but no body open. "Huh he should be back by now" i mumble. Waiting for a few more minutes, i start walking towards my manoor. "I'll see him tomorrow ig".


I was about to enter when a note caught my attention. "Meet me at our spot, 9pm....G.T" "huh what is he planning now" i mumble as i went inside. I look at the clock which say '7:30' "hm i have about 1 and a half hour".

I took a shower and got ready. I looked at the clock '8:45'. I started making my way towards our spot.

I suggest a song "I'm yours" by Isabel laRosa. For this scene.


I was admiring the view. It was so peaceful and beautiful. Right now nothing feels real. Time seems like it just stopped.

"So pretty" i mumbled

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"So pretty" i mumbled. "agreed" i heard someone say beside. I turned towards him and oh men he looks so handsome under moonlight. He let loose his hair. He was looking at me. I got lost in eyes there were glowing looking really lovely. God I love his men so much

"Are you alright?" He said coming close to my face

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"Are you alright?" He said coming close to my face. "Huh ye-yeah I'm fine" i said immediately looking away. "Oho~~ did i made someone flattered?" he said coming more closer. "N-no you di-didn't" i said shutting. "Oh great yn" i thought to myself. "Suree~~" "stop with that voice" "I'll once you look at me~". "Fine" i said while turning towards him and my heart skipped a beat seeing how close our faces were.

Once again i was lost in those ocean blue eyes. He put his hand on my cheek as he proceeded to kiss me slowly. I closed my eyes as our lips moved in rhythm. I put my hands around his neck.

After a few minutes we broke apart "you know i asked you to meet me because i want to ask you something" he said holding my hands. "And what is it?" I asked "yn you know i love you from the first time i saw and i want to spend my rest of life with you, i want us to grow old together, i want have my happy ending with you. I really do want to ask you for marriage but I figured it's right to take things slow so i want to ask you would you like to be my girlfriend" he asked. I blinked few times just to confirm I'm not dreaming.

"Yes!yes! Yes!" I said excitedly as i pull him in for a hug. "I love you sooo much" i say. "I love you too"..

Thank you sooooooooooooo much for reading current read is 546 and 100 votes. I can't tell you guys how much thankful I'm. I hope you enjoy it and please do vote. I'll see you in the next chapter. Until then take care of yourself<33333333

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