chapter 32: caught

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"Yes!yes! Yes!" I said excitedly as i pull him in for a hug. "I love you sooo much" i say. "I love you too"..


After spending time there we went back to my manoor and slept together while cuddling.


I tiredly opened my eyes and there he was sleeping beside me, I ran my fingers through his open hair. I kiss his face softly. "morning" he say as he open his eyes. "Good morning" i reply with a smile. He put his hand on my cheek as we just admire each other.

Then i heard a sudden knock that made me jump out of bed. "shit i forgot nii chan was gonna stop by" i say as i process to throw him out of back window "um-but-wait-let me atleast get my-" he was saying something but i interrupt him by pushing him out of windows.

I ran to open the door. "Hey yn how are you" "pretty good" i said as i stand on the side to let him enter. "Well I'm glad, looks like you just woke up huh?" "Yeah i was pretty tired from all the dose of medicine shinobu gave me" "i see, Should I make you something?" He asked as we enter in kitchen"Yeah sure" i said taking a set on the chair. "Btw yn" i hummed in response. "Who's shoes are at the entrance" he said while cutting vegs.

"Wait what giyu was asking for his shoes, shit" i thought to myself. "Um i bought some new shoes for myself" "really? But that doesn't look like your foot size" "how dumb could you be yn" i said mentally slapping myself. "i know i didn't try it on there so when i got and saw it's not my size i thought i should gift you those" i said nervously. "you do know you can't lie to me. Did tomioka spend the night here?" "How do you-i mean no why would he" "then i must hallucinate seeing you kicking him out of the back window" he said roughly chopping the vegetable.

I stare at him blankly "will look like my boyfriend is gonna get killed today" i thought to myself. I sigh as i gather all the courage to say. "fine he did spend the night here but we did nothing" "i see" he said as he put the soup blow in front of me "well you have it while i go and complete some unfinished business" he said as he start walking away.

"Hey wait, you aren't gonna fight with him, are you?" I asked while running after him. He starts running like a bull is after him"wait am i calling myself a bull?"

"How the fuck is he so fast" i said as i started to feel pain my legs and lungs "oh right my injuries haven't healed up yet" "sky breathing Fifth Form: The Graceful Plunge" i heard him mumbling. "NO WAIT" i yell but it was too late the battle between those two already has started. "Water breathing Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust" giyu mumbled as both of their katana clashed with each other's.

I run and stand between them. "Can we just talk it out" i said with shaky voices from all that running. "Yn move" nii chan say pointing his katana towards us. "No" "no? Are you really choosing him over me?" "I'm not choosing anyone. I'm stopping you from being dismissed from a hashira position, you are the third strongest among us".  He slowly lower his katana and started to walk away. No matter how overprotective he gets. He knows I'm right "we will take later, when you calm down a bit" i said.

I turned towards giyu who was looking at the ground."I'm sorry, it's all my fault. Only if i was good enough for you" he said. "Hey don't you dare say anything bad about my boyfriend or else I'll torture you to death. Do you understand? My boyfriend is best if not then perfect" i said punching him lightly. "But because of me your relation with your brother runied" "that's not true he is just mad rn" i said, hugging him.

He smiled and hugged me back. "thank you" he mumbled. "Thank you for everything" he added

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoy it and please do vote. I'll see you in the next chapter. Until then take care of yourself<33333

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