Chapter 30: some old memories

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"Please hang in there" i thought to myself looking at him.

Yn pov:

We arrived at butterfly manoor. Shinobu immediately started to treat giyu meanwhile aoi examined my wounds. "Are we done yet?" I asked for the 5th time now. "Please yn-san coperate with us. You need to rest your wounds might open up again if you move recklessly." "Sorry but how's giyuu" "shinobu-sam hasn't done treating him right now. As soon as she is done I'm sure she will tell you herself about tomioka-sam's condition" i nodded in response and lay down on bed.

After few minutes shinobu told me to not worry about him, he just had a few injuries and fainted because of exhaustion. "Most probably he should be awake by tomorrow". "Can I?" "Sure but don't forget to not move much". I nodded and went to his room. There he  was peacefully sleeping. I went to sit next to him and run my fingers through his hair. "You better get better soon remember you own me a date" i said kissing his head after a few moments i fell asleep by his side.

Giyu's pov:

I woke up with direct sunlight on my face. I blinked a few times to adjust my sights then i saw her. Her beautiful hc covering her half face. She had her mouth slightly open for better breathing. I moved her hair gently out of her face that's when i saw a few scars on her face. "Must be from the last fight" i thought to myself.

I sit up and pick her up from the chair beside my bed. I pull her close to me when her hand accidentally hit my chest. "Fuck thats hurts maybe i shouldn't move much" i mumble as i hugged her and fall asleep again.

Yn pov:

I feel someone's hands wrap around me. I quietly groaned little as i opened my eyes only to see giyu who was cuddling me and lightly snoring. "Huh when did he get me on bed" i thought as I just admired his sleeping figure.

"You know it's creepy to watch someone sleep" he said in his deep voice. Pretty sure if i wasn't in bed i would have been on my knees now. "Not when they are awake" i reply. He opened his eyes which were filled with sleepiness. "Still Tired?" I hummed in response. "You deserve a good rest after all you defeated an upper moon yesterday and awakened your mark which takes alot of energy" i said as i patted his head and kissed his nose.

His face was so red. "Ohooo~~~ someone is flattered". "WHAT N- i mean sure in your dreams" "then i must be dreaming now because your face says otherwise" i replied getting close to his face. "Shut up" he said looking at the ceiling. "Make me".

He smirk. "Oh no why is he smirking" i thought to myself as he tossed me and getting on top of me. His face was inches away from mein. "Here or later?" He said in a whisper voice. "Oh lord this men will be death of me"i thought to myself. My face was burning hot. "Aww looks like someone got flattered." He mock me.

He moved his face closer, our lips were about to touch when the door opened and "oh sorry didn't know you guys were busy, by the way careful you both you might open up your wounds" shinobu said. I throw a pillow at her which she dodges it. She closed the door and walked away. We looked at each other and brust our laughing.

He lay besides me, takes my hand said. "You know yn i really love you and i don't know what would I do without you. Yesterday it was supposed to be our first date but sadly it didn't go as planned. So i was thinking after we got out of here do you wanna go to our spot we can also make meals together and eat it there."

"Aww i love you too and making meals together, going to our spot sounds really nice" i said and smiled at him. He kissed my hand as we cuddle and fall asleep again.

(so what if they are sleeping again they worked hard in defeating those upper moons they deserve a good rest)

I opened my eyes to see giyu putting on his uniform. And he is looking sooooooo fineeeee

"Oh sorry did i wake you?" "No you didn't don't worry about it

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"Oh sorry did i wake you?" "No you didn't don't worry about it..... By the way where do you think are you going?" "Master asks for me" "i see should i come with you?" "Of course if you want to, plus i wouldn't mind your company" "is that so~" "come on we don't want the master to wait any longer now do we?" I nodded and went to get ready in a different room.


"Find me at the training ground" "alright" he said as he hugged me and kissed my head. "Rengoku" i thought of him as this is exactly the same place and the same way we said goodbye but we would have never guessed it would be our last time together. "Giyu i- I'll be going, see ya." I said as I quickly walked my way to my manoor. "OH AND I LOVE YOU"  i yell. "i love you too" he said as he went inside.

"Yn it's alright don't blame yourself." "Huh" i looked around to see where the voice came from but saw no one. "Rengoku is that you?" I asked in a whisper voice. His smiling image popped up in my head. "It's alright yn i don't blame you. You deserve happiness". "You are too kind for your own good" i reply. "Now you need to let me go" he said. I didn't even notice that i was standing in front of his grave. "Thank you for everything. I love you so much. You have no idea how much i wish that i died instead of you. You are the light we all need. I miss you so much" i said. I picked some flowers and put them on his grave.

After spending a few moments there i went to the training ground where i found sami. "Hey sami" "look if it isn't soon to be mrs. Tomioka" my face was on fire after he said that. "SHUT UP YOU IDIOT" i yell as i slap back off his head. "What? don't you want that?" "I do but we aren't even dating yet".  He rolled his eyes. "Plus i thought you hate him" "oh i do but for your sake I'm trying to not murder that good for nothing piece of-" "finished the sentence and you will be dead" i said with no expression on my face. "Umh- I'll try to be polite with him for your sake". "Better" "phew" he mumbled.

"By the way yn, what are these bruises on your face?" "Oh these giyu and i kind of cross paths with the upper moon 8 and 9 yesterday" "grezz how many moons get attracted to you" "no idea" i said as we both chuckle a little.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy it and please do vote. I'll see you in the next chapter until then take care of yourself<3333

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