chapter 22: confession

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"Akaza next time we meet i promise I'll kill you ." i thought to myself.

Yn pov:

It took me 2 months to fully recover. I did some light training during my recovery period. Likes swinging my sword non-stop 500 times, or blow gourds out (bigger one obviously). I ask everyone to train with me too andddddd Sami is finally able to beat me in my recovery stage. Shinobu told me to not overdo it because it can have a bad effect on my body. "I can't i need to get stronger atleast for rengoku. I need to avenge him. I'll kill Akaza. Next time we met it's either going to be his last day or mein." I said.

I also make sure to enhance my aurora powers. Now i can easily go in selfless state without taking much time. I told master about my awakening power again he said he still looking into it and he just got to know a little detail is that it's a demon slayer mark and if any slayer managed to awaken it he or she will not live longer then 25. After awakning this mark slayer get extreme amount of power. He also said to keep it to myself untill one more slayer managed to awaken his/her mark.


It has been 5 months since his death. Tengen has taken tanjiro, zenitsu and inosuke with him to the entertainment district. Apparently he sent his wifes to found out about a mysterious death. He suspects there is a moon living. Well i hope they all come back safe and sound.

Shinobu is back in our girl group. Her obsession with giyu is finally over. Her only motive is to kill upper moon 2 doma. Mein is to kill upper moon 1 and 3 and I'll avenge my best friend and my father. Giyu and i went back to being best friends. I'm on my way to his manoor to finally confess.

"Hey despresso are you home?" "How many times do i have to tell you I'm not depressed" he said as he opened the door for me. "Sure and the sky is green" he just rolls his eyes at my comment. "Anyway what are you doing here, not that I'm complaining" "tomioka I'm sorry we can't be friends anymore". I was having a hard time controlling my laugh at his reaction. He was in pure shock and sad ig. "But-but why did i do something wrong? Are you mad at me?" He said.

I finally broke into laughter. "Hahaha I'm sorry i was just joking." "Don't joke about that yn. You are really important to me." "Oh am i~" i ask in a flirty voice. "Of course you are my best friend and you know too much about me. I can't afford to let this information get leaked." "I see. Anyway can i cook for you?" "Sure ig. Just don't burn down my kitchen" "shut up before i burn you down".

I made my special rice omelette. "Here you go" i said as I served him and watched him taking a bit. His eyes lit up. "I didn't know you can cook this well." "Oh well thank you". "Here try it yourself" he said as he proceeded to feed me from his plate. "Oh sorry it's a little salty." "It's alright I'm glad you made it for me". I sit next to him. My heart was beating so fast pretty sure tengen could hear from the entertainment district.

"Hey giyu" i said in a serious voice. He looked at him and hm in response. "What do you think of me" asked while looking down. "Well you are my best friend, really beautiful, kinda, funny, lovely. And today i got to know you can cook well. Now I'm jealous of your future husband." He said it made me blush hard.

"Can you close your eyes for a moment?" I asked. He did as i ask. I move close to his face. Our faces were just inches away. I know for the fact he knows our lips are just inches away. I gather all the courage and kissed him. He was surprised by my move but after a few seconds he kissed me back.

After a minute or so we aparted for air. I smiled at him when he said "yn- do you feel the same?". I nodded while looking down. He held my chin making me look at him. Those ocean blue eyes. Those were back. The one i loved looking at. "Yn you know i love you for the every first moment i see you. I was ready to confess but whenever i saw you with shinazugawa i thought you and him were a thing. So I didn't say anything and instead distanced myself from you." He said while kissing my head. "Will you believe if i say i feel the same. That's why conversation is important. And sami gezz he is like brother to me." I said.

"Yn do you maybe want to go to the festival with me" he said while scratching his back of the head I chuckled and said yes. "Alright I'll pick up today at 8 sounds good?" "Sure."

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoy it and please do vote. I'll see you in next chapter

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