chapter 3: becoming a hashira

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"Goodnight yn" "night ray".....

Yn pov:

Next morning we went to our next mission. It was in next town so didn't have to hurry. More then 50 people were killed in 2 days. I wonder if there are any lower moon. A normal demon can't kill that many people in just 2 days.

"What are you thinking" ray ask. "It just i don't have good feeling about this" " don't worry I'll protect you with my graceful moves" even tho i laugh for some reason i didn't have a good feeling about this mission. I hope everything went well.

We arrive at the town first thing we did to check the area or see if we got any demon's presence. We separated so we can get done with it fast.

It was night time i was jumping roof from roof in search of any clue but i didn't find it. I went to our meeting sport waiting for ray. "I hope she is fine" i mumble to myself. After 10 minutes i went to search for her.

There I saw ray's ........dead body and the demon was absorbing her. "RAY!!" i cry out that attract demon's attention it was a lower moon 2. The anger was boling inside me. The flashback of our moment was coming to. I just wanted to break down. But no i have to avenge of her. I have to kill his demon

"Oh looks like she was your friend....oh you poor thing" "you fucking basterd I'll kill you" in a low yet cold voice i said. "Haha don't make me laugh how are you going to kill me huh!" I unleashed my sword and jumping circling around him until i was sure he couldn't detect me "breathing of light second form: shadow slash" i aim for it's neck but it was useless my sword wouldn't go through it's neck. " You thought killing me is easy she try something same just saying" " shut up you good for nothing garbage" i jump in sky "breathing of light forth form: solar flair" i put my all strength into it and cut it arms and legs, i try to go through it's neck again but my sword wouldn't go through it "what the hell is it's neck made of" i thought to myself "haha having trouble you Little thing".
"Breathing of light first form: beam of light" i said as i send powerful light towards the demon which makes it blind. "Alright i have few minutes think fast yn how can I cut through it's neck.........well hopefully it work" i thought to myself as i launch in air and throw my most powerful attack" breathing of light: sun sleeping angle" i roll in circular motion in air and unleashed the powerful light of slash which cut through it's neck " yay it worked" i said.

I fall in ground trying my best to control my breathing, then i saw.....her. she look so lifeless the memory that we made together come flashing back tears form in my eyes as i ran towards her, hold her in my arms and cry.

I wasn't the same after that...

A year later....

I'm 18 now i have kill more then 50 demon and 2 lower moon. I haven't ancounter any upper moon yet.

"Caw caw master wants to see you" raven say. "Hm i wonder why do master wants to see me did i do something wrong, is it about me buried alive one of the slayer just cuz he was annoying af" i thought to myself and started to get worry. "Okay come on yn it's nothing just a meeting with master calm down".

I made my way to master's mansion. As i enter master's mansion i saw Oyakata-sama's kid i bow to them and they take me to master. I bow in respect and said "master you called for me" "ah yes my child yn ln right?" " Yes master" "yn i would like to make you hashira. I have seen great potential in you and I'm sure you will do great as hashira" "i would love that m, thank you master"
"Very well I'll call hashira meeting tomorrow and make you officially a hashira" "of course Oyakata-sama" i smile has i said my goodbye and leave

I straight gose to Ray's grave "I'm sure you hates me only if i could get there earlier then maybe we could become hashira together. I miss you so much ray I'm sorry it was all my fault" i say as tears start to escape my eyes i sense someone's presence. I quickly wipe the tears away. "Who's there" i ask. I got no reply but there was he deep ocean blue eyes, black hair was tied up, he look younge like 19-20. He didn't say anything just staring at me

"Do you want something? If not then please go away" i said he didn't move an inch. I got tired so i left. "Who was he" i thought to myself.

Thank for reading till here. I hope you enjoyed it please vote this story and yeah I'll see in next chapter.....

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