chapter 36: Someone wakes up!!

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I also try to stay by nezuko side as much i can so she doesn't felt left out. But sadly I'm having too many missions these days. Muzan is up to no good the demon attack are increasing day by day.


Almost 3 months since both of them have shown any sign of waking up. I'm with nezuko, she has been living with me for the past months. I was deep in thought about when they are gonna wake up when I felt someone poking me with their finger. I looked and saw nezuko "huh? Oh sorry did i zone out again" i asked as she nodded while making some noise. "They haven't woken up yet" i said with a sad voice, she hugged me i guess it's her way of telling me it'll be alright and that they both are strong.

"Thank you nezuko" i said hugging her back. Raven sit by my shoulder and said. "CAW CAW MISS. KOCHO ASKED YOU TO MEET" "huh did they wake up?" I asked raven. But he just flew away. "Pff stupid bird" i mumbled. "Shall we go" i asked nezuko. She nodded excitedly and went in her box.


A slayer who seems to be new stops me in mid way. "Please stop" he said. "Is there any problem?" I asked "there is a demon" he said pointing on nezuko's box "i know" "and you aren't slaying it?" "First of its not it, she has feelings and understands things and second of all who gave you the right to question me" i said calmly. "You aren't fulfilling duty of demon slayer by not slaying it" he said and started to grab his katana. "oh trust me if i were you i wouldn't dare to even touch my katana" he rushed towards me. Just when he about to hit me i jumped out of way. "Do you even know who I am?" I ask him "just a pathetic slayer who have a pathetic demon with her" he said once again rushed in attack. "You have wasted enough of my time" i said as i proceed to jump out of the once again and hit him on head with my katana.

"I don't know if you are still able to hear me but I'm yn, yn ln. Light hashira, Don't you ever dare to talk to me or else it wouldn't end pretty" with that i started to walk away. "You know you could have done that the moment he stops you" a voice said behind me "why do you care?" I asked "yn I'm sorry, i know i haven't been best brother-" i turned around and gave him the "oh really" look "fine i never behaved like a best brother. But I'm really sorry, i shouldn't have said that about father and you are right i don't have the right to just come into life and start playing a good older brother role. I'm sorry yn, please forgive me" "how long has it been?" "What?" "I'm asking how long has it been since the argument between us?" He looked down"about 3 months?" "The moment when i become more important than your ego. Then come talk to me" "yn-" "don't just don't"

With that i started walking away. I stopped at front of shinobu's manoor and knocked. Aio open the door and let me in. "Where is shinobu, aio?" "She is inosuke's room" "i see, thank you" i said with a smile and made my way towards inosuke's room. "Shinobu yo-" i stopped mid way seeing inosuke. "Ah yn, perfect timing. Look who is awake" i ran and hugged him. "Oi oi what are you doing" he yell i rolled my eyes. "do you have any idea how worried i was for you and tanjiro" i ask while giving a smak on his head. He looked almost like i have said something unique "yo- you were worried about me?" He said shutting a little "of course, i was in fact we all were. Why do you think shinobu check up on you at night or why aio visits you to see if you are doing any better then before. We all care about you inosuke" i said as i pat his head

He didn't speak nor did he show any emotions. "inosuke?" He jumped off the bed and stood in a fighting style "come on women, fight me!!!" "I guess this is his way of showing his love" i whisper to shinobu. She giggled "we will but not now , you need to rest and i also need to go, i have a mission to attend. Oh and shinobu, what about tanjiro?" "He doing well i think he is gonna wake up soon" "thank you. Nezuko be good while I'm gone okay?" She nodded and went to shinobu. "I'll see you later guys".


"Alright, let's find that pathetic thing" i mumbled as i walked inside the village.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy it and please do vote. I'll see you in the next chapter. Until then take care of yourself<3333333

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