chapter 41: let's play

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"don't worry about it" i said with a smile. I clap my hands, some kakushi appeared and started to rebuild the wall. "Let's go on some demon hunting today" i say. "Sure". "But i never say we are gonna stop training now"


"Night breathing first from: connecting stars" he said as unleash slashes that take shape of stars and cut demons in pieces. I leaned against the tree as i grab my katana with one hand and swing it behind me cutting a demons head while my eyes stay on akito. "Wooh" "don't lose focus one demon is coming from right" he nodded as he prepared to attack. "Night breathing-"


Few days later

"Alright we are done for today" i said as we stopped in front of my manoor. "f-fi-finally" he said fully out of breath. "it wasn't that bad". "W-we l-literally did 30 r-run down h-hill". "Oh my bad i thought you are ready for increase number, anyway go get a bath" i said, he started to walk "are you okay?" I asked as i saw him struggling to get inside. "Y-yeah im q-quit f-fine" he said as he passed out.

I sigh "what's up with him?" I heard giyuu asked behind me. "Oh i might have make him overdo himself" i said as i walked towards him and put his arm around my shoulder to take him inside but before i made a step giyuu picked him up and walked towards the door "Thanks" i said with a smile. "I'm doing this only for you". "I'm sure" i said as i held open the door.


After giyuu put Akito in his bed. I gave him a glass of water "so what you doing here?" I asked "just wanna see you" he reply while drinking. "Ohoo~ someone miss me" i said in teasing voice. "Of course you know what else I miss" he said with a smirk. "And what is it" i asked. "you on me" he said that so casually i almost forgot that's dirty talk. My cheeks turned red. "GIYUU!!" i yell. "You asked" i reply while putting his hand up in the air. "You are damn cute when you get all flattered" he said with a chuckle.

"Whatever" i said as i avoid eye contact with him. "Also i come to tell you i have to go on a mission tonight" he said. "oh be careful" "I'll" he said a soft smile. I walked over to him and placed a good luck kiss. "Wish i could stay a little long but i have to go now" "alright", he kissed me again and walked out.

"Let's go out to kill some demon" i mumbled as i pick up my katna.


"Oh come on give me some competition" i said as 8-9 demons body started to disappear. "What the hell is going on here" i heard a giant demon walked out. "did you just slay all my childrens" "so weak" i mumbled. "What did you say" he yelled. "You and your childrens are so weak they all just die with my one attack" i reply casually.

"Is that so, why don't don-" "breathing of light" his head fall to ground "fifth form: sun sleeping angle". "Eh how wha-" that demon disappeared. "Pathetically weak" i said in disappointment. "I thought yo-" i dodge a attack which took me off guard. "ah one more left, and you might be" i asked as a female demon appear in front of me. "You just killed my family" she said. "is that so, I'm sorry i didn't think about you but now you are here I'll let you reunite with them in hell" i said with a smile. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE" she yell. "Please don't yell my ears hurt from your voice" i said as i put my hands over my ears.

She run towards me "wrong move" i said as i dodge cut her arm. "You know i don't normally play with demons but I'm really bored right now, so let's play" i said with a sadist smile on my face. The demon try to run away. "I'm counting till 20 if i found you, you are dead" i said as she run away. "1.2.3.............18.19.20"

"Ready or not here i come" i yell as i jump on trees "ah you are well hidden i see" i say. I quietly stand behind the demon who was hiding behind bushes. "But you still can't run from me" i whisper as she try to attack me but i dodge "I'm sorry, i would love to play with you more but i have to go now" i said as i rushed in for a attack. "Breathing of light" i cut her head as she try to run away. "Third form: twilight".

Hello guys!! How are you doing i hope you'll well. I hope you enjoy it and please do vote. I'll see you in the next chapter. Until then take care of yourself<33333333

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