chapter 35: tengena and the trio

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"are you okay?" He asked putting his hand over my forehead in attempt to check my temperature. "Yea-yeah i-i-im f-fine" i shutter so bad. 'What the fuck yn' i thought to myself.


He chuckled once he realised how much power he have over me. He proceeded to tease me even more "ohhhh someone got flattered~~" he said with the same flirtish tone he use to tease me. "S-stop w-wi-with t-that" i said this time even more shuttering. "Goddamn it yn shut up" i said mentally slapping myself.

"And why would I?" He asking coming close to my face. "Speechless?" He asked stopping when our faces were inches away. I felt his breath on my lips. My heart beat so fast, pretty sure he was able to hear it. "Oh lord this men definitely will be death of me" i thought to myself as i started to get lost in his eyes.

He put his hand back of my head as he pulled me closer until our lips touched. He started kissing me so passionately, i melted in his touch, i closed my eyes. My hands found my way to the back of his neck.

After a moment, He stopped but didn't move back, our foreheads were touching each other's. "You know I'm so lucky, my girlfriend is so beautiful, I can't get enough of her" i chuckled. "oh yeah?" He hummed in response.


After a few minutes, i decided to break the comfortable silence "not that I'm complaining but what are you doing here?" "I heard tanjiro, his sister and there friends got badly hurt so i thought i might come by and check on them". "I didn't know you care about him" i said rising my eyebrow. "I do, he reminds me of someone" i hummed because i know who it was but i didn't say because he was still not over it.

"Did you talk to ln?" "Yeah and i don't wanna talk about him right now". "I see" "btw giyu do you mind if i go and see tengen i heard he got hurt badly too". "yn listen just cause we are dating it doesn't mean i own you, you can go see anyone you want or be friends with anyone you want. I wouldn't stop you, you are your own person" i smiled. "Thank you, I'll see you later?" He nodded, gave me a quick kiss and made his way to tanjiro's room.

"Alright let's go and see our flamboyant boy" i mumbled to myself.


I knocked on the door of his manoor. Suma open the door and smiled at me. "Yn-san, what are you doing here?" "Just thought to visit my old fellow colleagues". I reply with a smile as she stand side to let me in. "btw are you guys alright?" "Yeah thankfully we all survived even tho Hinatsuru-san almost died with lord tengen". I gasped and saw makio coming towards her. She hit Suma on head. I sigh as i watched them yell and fight with each other like always.

I'm a year older then Suma same age as makio and hinatsuru-san is a year older then me same age as giyu.

Hinatsuru-san open the door and walked out "she looks fine to me" i thought to myself. "what are you two fighting over now?" She asked. "hinatsuru-san look makio is hitting for no reason" she said hiding behind her. "She telling yn made up story." "Yn?" "Hello hinatsuru-san, long time no see" i aid walking towards her. "Ah yn it's so nice to have you here" she said with a smile. "ne btw where is tengen?" "He is resting in his room" "is it okay if i go and check up on him?" "Of course" she reply with a smile but i couldn't ignore the glance I got from Suma and makio.

I made my way to his room and knocked before entering. "Hey tengen are you awake?" "Oh hey yn!" He said with a smile. "How are you doing now?" "Not too bad just lost one of my flashy eye and arm" he said laughing. "Oh does it hurt?" I asked in concern "a little" "you know I'm little sad you are retiring. Now who is going to remind me to be flashy all the time" "don't worry yn I'm just retiring not moving away and I'll always remind you to be flashy all the time" i chuckled.

"So i have tea to tell you" "what is it?" "Well me and giyu is finally dating". "woh yn tell me everything, how does it happen, did he proposed?""woh woh slow down when you went for your mission i finally decided to confess my feelings to him and he felt the same so we agreed to go on a date but we crossed paths with upper moon 8 and 9. Those basterd runied our date, later after he decided we are gonna have another date which was in our spot. That's where he asked me to be his girlfriend. He spend night at my manoor" i stopped at his smirk ik what he is thinking. "You dirty whore we didn't do anything" I said turning red. "I didn't say anything" "yeah sure anyway continue so nii chan spot by and saw me kicking giyu out of the back window and yeah cause of that we aren't really on good term right now. I just don't understand why can't he understand i love him and I'm happy, he left me when i needed him but now he remembered he has a little sister. Sometimes he made me go mad" i vent out to him. "It's alright yn I'm sure he will understand you. He just need some time" he said, i smiled in response.

"Well now tell me about your mission" i asked him. He started tell me about how how he flamboyantly defeated upper moon 6. "Oh tengen by the way" i begin as i remember what aio told about him slapping her ass. He must have notice the veins popping out of my forehead cause he looked terrified. "y-yes yn" "did you slap aio's ass?" I asked putting on fake smile. "Benifits of staying shinobu you will learn how to fake smile" i thought to myself. "Um i-it was an accident" "uzui tengen you are lucky you lost your arm already otherwise i was gonna cut it in pieces anyway".

"Oh look ate the time i have to go. I'm really glad you are okay tho. I'll see you later, rest well. Can't promise next time you wouldn't loose your other arm too" i said standing up and making my way out of his room. I saw Suma as i open the door. "oh hey Suma, i have to go now but i promise next time it'll be girls night" i said with a smile. "E-eh yeah sure". "Can you say bye to others for me?" "Sure". "Alright thank you" i walked out of his manoor.


2 months have gone by, tanjiro and inosuke haven't woken up yet. Shinobu told me that they will be fine so i should stop worries about them so much. Thankfully zenitsu didn't have much injuries so he wake up soon.

He still has a fear of demons honestly i sometime think how in the world did he became a demon slayer yet alone helped defeating upper moon 6 but whatever the reason I'm really proud how he turning out now. He is capable of going to missions alone now.

I also try to stay by nezuko side as much i can so she doesn't felt left out. But sadly I'm having too many missions these days. Muzan is up to no good the demon attack are increasing day by day.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy it and please do vote. I'll see you in the next chapter. Until then take care of yourself<333333333333

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