chapter 16: cheer up

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They both hugged me and said nothing letting me cry out loud. Eventually i passed out from all the crying.

Yn pov:

I woke up in my manoor. Kabu was still sleeping by my side "i guess obanai is still here, pretty sure he aren't gonna leave kabu" i thought to myself. He started to wake up and climb up to my neck and slept again. "Guess you are still sleepy" i said.

I heard some noise from downstairs. I went to check and saw everyone except shinobu and giyu. "What's going on here" i asked in confusion. "We are going to do something flamboyant" tengen said. "He is right." Rengoku said. "It has been a long time since we spent some time yn nee-chan" mui said as i patted his head and smiled at him. "I'll pray for you to have a better life" "thank you Himejima-san" i said with a smile. "Ne yn let's do something fun" mitsuri said while handing me a glass of water. I nodded and drank the water. "Do you wanna come and play with shiro (nii chan's dog name)" nii chan asked. "Sure but what's happened today? What are you all actually doing here?" I asked. "We called them so we can cheer you up" obanai said as kabu goes back to him.

Then i remembered last night. "Thank you guys" i said while hugging two of my best brothers. "Oh but when did you come nii chan? Weren't you on a mission?" I asked "yeah i just got here a few hours ago" "ehh you should rest then I'm sure you are tired" i said. "It's fine" "no it's not, go and rest." I said in a demanding tone. "Okay okay. I'll see you later" he said while patting my head.

"SHINAZUGAWA, IGURO" shinobu yells as she enters my manoor. "What did you two do" i asked them. "Nothing" obanai said. "Shinazugawa, iguro how dare you get violent with your fellow member. You both gang up on tomioka-san." she said. "YOU TWO DID WHAT!" i asked in shock. "Don't act like you don't know. I'm sure you send both of them." She said. "What the fuck are you talking about and why would I send these two if i want im enough to take you and giyu both out" i reply. "Shinobu-san you shouldn't accuse someone of something they didn't do. You and i both know yn will never do something like that" mitsuri said. Shinobu left.

I turned to both and smacked them on head. "I love you both and thanks but next time don't go around and gang up on somebody just cuz they hurt me." Sami smacked me on my head and said "idiot you are like our little sister and no one is getting away with hurting you" he said. "Treat genya same then" i said. He glares at him. I just roll my eyes. "So what are we doing today" i ask. "We can go to a hot spring" mitsuri suggests. "Sure" i reply.

After having breakfast. We all went to a hot spring. It was really fun. I feel so much better. But it didn't last longer. I saw her walk in with giyu, hands in hands. My eyes met his ocean eyes but there were something different about them. It wasn't the same eyes i loved to just look at. It was more of dull, like they were in control of someone.

Shinobu must have noticed us looking at each other since she got audacity to kiss him in front of me. I quickly looked away and walked out of there.

Giyu's pov:

My eyes met those ec eyes. They had a look of hurt and that making me sad but why. Why would I care when i obviously love shinobu so why would I care if i see yn hurt. Out of nowhere shinobu come and kissed me. It felt wrong but i pushed that thought. I look at yn she turned and walked out. My heart hurt for some reasons.

Yn pov:

"Hey guys let's go and eat." I said with the best fake smile i can give. I don't want to stay for another second here. "Are you okay yn? Did something happen?" Mitsuri asked. "I'm perfectly fine, just hungry". She nodded and we made our way to a nearby restaurant.

Everyone ordered and waited for food when shinubo came with giyu "will she ever leave for a second" i mumble annoyedly. "Are are~ i see everyone is here" she said. "Table is full" i said without looking at her. "Aww such a shame. Anyway guys me and tomioka-san are in a relationship" "good for you" i reply still not looking at her. "Congratulations" everyone said without any excitement. Sami and obanai were glaring at giyu. They went away to sit somewhere far.

"Yn are you alright?" Mitsuri asked "yeah don't worry about me". "Forget about them let's talk about something else" rengoku said. "I agree let's make this moment flamboyant". Tengen said. "Alright soo how's your wife tengen" "they are fine. Oh and they did mention they want to meet you again." "I see. Tell them I'll see them soon." "How's genya mui?" "He is fine but he did mention he misses his brother" "don't even think about it Sami. Just the way you love your little brother. Mui is my little brother" i said as i saw him clenching his fist. "Shut up" he said. "Rengoku how's your father and brother doing." "Well my brother is doing good but you know my father. He still hasn't overcome mother's death" "oh I'm sorry" "it's alright" he said with a smile. "If you ever wanna talk, come to me:)" "of course". "When are you both getting married" i asked looking at obanai and mitsuri who blush like crazy. Definitely wasn't expecting me to say out loud. "YNNNNNNN" mitsuri yell. "Seeh come down we are in public". Obanai was too sturned to speak.

We got our and food. After eating, we paid and left. Before going i took a last look at giyu who was already looking at me.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy it and please do vote. I'll see you in the next chapter.

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