chapter 38: visitor

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Hahahha (nervous laugh) so I'm sorry guys i could update this sooner cuz I'm pretty stressed out about my last exam. thank you once again for so many reads and likes, and also waiting for an update I'll try to complete this story as soon as possible. So......

On to the story...


His lips crashed against mein. My hand crawled up in his hair. He was pulling me closer and closer till there was no room even for air. He gently set me to bed without breaking the kiss......


I opened my eyes tiredly and met his. "Morning" he says as he give a quick peek on my lips. "Good morning" I replied with a smile. "You know" he started while his thump was brushing against my cheek. I hummed in response "last night was my favourite" he said in a lower voice.

Blood rush to my cheeks as i felt my face becoming hotter. He come closer to my ear as he whisper "it's so easy to make you all flattered" "is it?" I ask as i rolled and get top of him. "hm nice view from here, we should try this next time". "What the fuck" i thought to myself. "I-s-shut up" i managed to finally say and laid beside him. He chuckled and said "you look really cute when you got all flattered"

"S-stop it" i said while hiding my face in his cocky neck. He just chuckled. i saw raven sitting at the window"raven what are you doing there?" I asked him. "CAW CAW A visitor came for you" he said. "Alright tell kakushi to let them in and treat them with some tea or something. I'll be there int few" with that raven flew away. "i might have a tsuguko, if he gets to my manoor before day 4" i mumble while watching raven fly away. Then i looked at giyu, his eyes darkened as he proceeded to ask all in one breath "How old, guy?, What do you think of him?". "Woh woh slow down my love, yes he is guys around tanjiro's age and no i don't think of him that way but i do think he has the potential of becoming a hashira tho" "alright" he said "not trusting me?" "Bullshit i trust you more then i trust myself" he said with a soft yet confident tone.

"You do know you are the only one for me" i said. He hummed in response. "I have to go now, I'll see you later" i said while giving him a quick peak on lips. "i love you" he said. "I love you too" i reply and started to made my way back to my manoor.


"Huh?" I look at the mysterious visitor with widen eyes. "How did you get here in just a single night" i asked Akito. He give a nervous laugh "i was little too excited" he replied his whole body was cover in dirt and bruises. "Pff take a bath and I'll take you to butterfly manoor" i told them. He nodded and went to take a bath. "pretty worthy of my time" i mumble under my breath.


I took him to shinobu's to get him check for any injuries, thankfully none just some cuts and bruises. "Is this your tsuguko?" Shinobu asked "Apparently" i reply. "Anyway how's tanjiro?" "Still unconscious but he is stable so no need to worry" a disappointing sigh exist "i wonder when will he be up" i mumbled under my breath. "really soon" she reply with a smile.

"Ln-sam" i heard Akito say. I turned to look at him and for a moment i saw tanjiro in him. A small smile placed on my lips. "Just call me yn" i softly said while pat his head. "O-oh ok yn-sam" "take rest today. From tomorrow your training will start" he turned around and glare at something.

I follow his gaze and saw nezuko who was running towards me. He got ready to attack. "Akito" i pull him back. "Huh?" He asked in confusion. Nezuko jump towards me "yn-sam careful" he said. I open my arm for her. She embraced me in a hug. "There there, i missed you too" i said while patting her head. She make some giggling voices. "She is a demon" Akito said. "yes" i turned towards him. "So why aren't we slaying her?" "Because she doesn't hurt anyone, she is different from any other demon. She still have human emotions. Don't worry she wouldn't hurt you at all" i said with a smile.

"If you say so" he said. "Should we go?" I asked him. "Sure" he reply. "Ne yn-sam what are you doing" he asked while watching me carrying nezuko's box. "It's nezuko's box she doesn't like to go out in sun" i reply softly. "She is going with us?" "Yeah she lives with me"


"So what does she eat?" He asked "nothing she gain energy from sleeping, she probably sleeping right now" "interesting". We enter my manoor as i put down nezuko's box in her room which is darkest room in my manoor. "Alright Akito let me show you your room" i said, he nodded. I took him upstairs where was a guest room which i really hope is cleaned. "Wait there okay?" "Al-alright" i went to check the room to see if it's clean or not. "Pew it's clean" i mumbled. "Alright you can come"


Akito went to rest while i train and think of things i could teach him aurora or light breathing kind of same as night breathing. We can start with light exercise like 200 time going up and down to hill. "Pff I'll think about this later" i mumbled.

I went to kitchen and made something for myself. While cutting vegetables i heard soft knock on my door. "Coming" i yell and made my way to my doorstep. The person standing in front of me was no other then......


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