chapter 13: jealous?

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On my way back to the butterfly manoor i saw sanemi. I run and slap on his head "hey how are you old man" i said. "Is that how you treat someone who lets you cry on their shoulder" he said "hehe sorry and thank you" i said. He patted my head and said "whatever it's fine oh and your brother told me to tell you he is going on a mission so he wouldn't be able to see you for few days." He said. I smile in response.

giyu pov:

I saw yn running towards the master's mansion. "This idiot should be resting" i mumble to myself. I followed her and saw as she ran straight inside instead waiting for master's permission "i wonder what happened" i thought as i waited around the corner for her. When she came out, she saw shinazugawa and ran straight to him and hit him on the head. They talk for a while then he patted her head "wait he patted her head you fucking basterd" i mumble to myself as i clench my fist.

She smiled at him. "So i was right they are a thing" i thought to myself and started walking away when she called out to me. "Hey giyu how are you doing" "I'm fine thanks" "oh are you sure you are alright?" "I said I'm fine can you stop with that now" "oi tomioka who do you think you are talking to like that" shinazugawa said as he stands next to her. I was glaring at shinazugawa when she said "Sanemi you can't fight everyone you see and giyu I'm sorry i was just worried." I nodded and walked away.

Yn pov:

It made me sad as I watched him walking away "he is jealous" sanemi said. "Don't be ridiculous why would he be jealous." I said while looking at his disappearing figure. "You know nn you can be pretty dumb sometimes, he obviously likes you that's why he jealous to see me with you" he said. I blush so hard "could it be true? Is he actually like me?" I thought to myself when Sami snapped me out of my thoughts and said with a smirk "already planning wedding?" I hit him while blushing hard.

Giyu pov:

I went to mountain to calm down. "Of course she will choose him, why would I be anyone's first choice?" I thought to myself with clenched fist.


After spending few minutes there i hear my crow "crow crow mission for tomioka giyu. You have to go nearby village. A demon has been spotted there." He said. Without wasting anytime i run to the destination.

Yn pov:

I was looking for giyu but couldn't find him anyway. "Maybe he went on the mountain, pff should i confess but i didn't want to hurt her after all she is one of the best friend i got." i mumble to myself.

"Ara ara~ what are you talking about yn~" shinobu said. "Holy shit, where did you come from. You almost give me a heart attack" "hehe sorry didn't mean to scare you" "it's alright but next time try to not give me a heart attack". "Soooooo~~~~ ynn who are you going to confess" "ummm nobody" "come on I'm your friend aren't you gonna tell me" "maybe when the time is right" "let me guess is it shinazugawa?" "What noo" "are you sure~~~" "100%" "if you say so, you both look good together tho". "Shut up will you?" "Okay okay anyway you wanna eat?" "Sure I'm hungry anyway"


Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoy it and please do vote. I'll see you in next chapter

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