chapter 7: upper moon 3

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Warning: mention of self harm


"Okay giyu it's really beautiful thank you"

Yn pov:

After spending some time with giyu in the mountain I'm really happy. I went to my mansion and cooked something for myself. Shinubo did come by to tell about hashira meeting room where they all just chill or eat together but i wasn't in mood to see nii chan sure i did say he dead to me but i just can't he is the only family i have left. I wish I know why he hates me after I'm the only family he have left right?.

I was so deep in thought that i didn't realise I accidentally cut my finger."ah shit" i mumble. As i watch blood come out of my finger i remember my old scars. I pull my sleeves and just stare at those ugly marks on my left hand while i also get some on my legs,Whenever someone asks me about those i always say i got them during battle. I grab a knife from the counter and made some new marks. "It's all because of you nii chan" i said to myself.

"It's all your fault" i start crying hard "why just why can't I be enough for you to love to see me as your sister instead of some beggar, why".

I woke up from direct sunrays on my eye. I looked around and saw blood on the floor "i must have slept or more likely passed out here" I tried to get up but I fell backward.. i tried again and got up went to bathroom then get cleaning supplies to clean the murder scene..

After cleaning i went to meeting room and saw sanemi,mitsuri and obanai
"Third wheeling aren't we sanemi?" I ask
"Pff good thing you are here now, wanna battle again?" "Wanna get your ass beaten again? Anyway ohaiyo masturi-san and obanai" i said "ohaiyo yn-san btw where did you go yesterday" " oh i saw tomioka and nii chan fighting so i went to throw some senses in them" i said "peww that was close" i said to myself. "Eh both were fighting that's weird" "why" "they might not be friends but I'm 100% sure they will not fight each other" "hmm that's weird but anyway we shouldn't stick our nose in there buisness" "yeah you are right" "btw did you eat yn-san? If not then come with us" "oh i haven't eaten anything since yesterday" "eh and whys that" "nothing serious i just don't feel like eating I'll eat alot now don't worry" i smile "okay come on now let's get you breakfast"

Some time later.....

"Caw caw caw yn ln and aki ln you have to be nearby village there has seen an upper Moon." Reven said. I straight run towards the village, it was evening by the time i got there , after a few minutes nii chan got there too..

"Can you sense that" "yeah it's presence is pretty strong" i reply "let's wait until sunset do you wanna eat something?" "Are you serious we are here on a mission and you want to eat?" " So no? Okay I'll be there at that udon shop" "you-" i ran to the udon shop and ordered 2 bowls. I looked beside me and saw nii chan "i know you will come so i already ordered 2 bowls" i said without looking at him "how did you know I'll come" he said "simply you love udon too much to reject" i reply. We got our order..

After eating we went to search for demon "let's split up and look for the demon" i said. "Fine but don't die and i hate you" "aww i love you too nii chan" "for the love of the god im not your nii chan now get lost and do your job" i don't know if he sarcastically says or actually means it.

"Huh whoever's aurora is it, it's definitely pretty strong" i thought to myself. The sudden feeling that i got when i was with ray last time comes back "oh no no no nii chan please don't die I'm coming" i run as fast as could towards the aurora. There I saw ......upper....moon....3 fighting with nii chan. He was about to what looks like punch nii chan in the stomach..

"You are pretty strong, become a demon you will get way stronger then now' the demon said to nii chan. "NEVER" nii chan yell. The demon was about to lend the punch when I jumped "breathing of light fifth form: sun sleeping angle" and cut his arm right before it hit nii chan.

"Who do you think you are, how dare you try to hurt nii chan" i said in the most cold voice. "Pleasure to meet you miss. I'm Akaza and i don't fight women so if you please get out of the" the demon said as he regains his arm and smiles at me.

"You got quite a nerve to think I'll let you go by after you try to hurt nii chan" "you are lucky to be a woman or else i would have cut your throat out right after when said that" "breathing of light second form: shadow slash" i said i charged towards him and sending attacks form different directions. "Wait....but he managed to dodge every attack" i thought to myself.

"Breathing of sky forth form:Cleansing the Heavenly Skies" he said as he ran in a zig zag pattern with full speed i can see him but a normal or low rank slayer wouldn't be able to. "Wait if i can i see him at means" "NII CHAN DON'T HE CAN SEE YOUR MOMENTS" i yell but it was useless he still goes for the attack and try to slide his sword into demon's neck. The demon punch nii chan and he went flying away.

"NII CHAN"i yell "breathing of light first form: bream of light" i said i send powerful light rays towards the demon. "You are indeed pretty strong, say why don't you become a demon" he said as he dodge the light rays i send.

"I'd rather die then become something pathetic like you" i reply. "Oh that's a shame then" he said as he ran towards nii chan. "Over my grave, breathing of light third form: Twilight" i said as i ran at lightning speed towards the demon and managed to cut his legs which was of course regained in a sec.

"What's your name miss?" "Why do you want to know" "well since you are going to be the first ever women I'm gonna kill so why not as well know your name" he said. "Shut up your annoying" i said. Within a sec he stands in front of me and his kick makes me fly away.

"YOU UGLY BRAT DON'T YOU DARE TO HURT MY LITTLE SISTER" nii chan yell. "Ugh come on yn get your act together, alot of life is dependent on you, come on get up" i said to myself. I see him launching is powerful punch towards nii chan. "NO" i yell and run in lightning speed, stand between him and nii chan taking the hit. "YN" "oh so your name is yn, pity you didn't become demon" he said "now it's your turn"he said while looking towards nii chan but just then sun start rising and he ran away.

"Nii chan" i said trying to ignore the pain. "Why do you....hate me" i ask "I'm sorry yn i don't hate I'm just angry with myself im your nii chan then why do you always protect me. It made me mad that I'm can't do anything for you, i can't even talk to you without remembering how pathetic I'm. I'm really sorry please don't die please yn i need you you are the only family i have" he said while tears coming out of his eyes.

I smiled at him and started to lose my conscious

Thank you all for reading. I really hope you enjoy it and I'll see in the next chapter. Please do vote

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