chapter 25: together

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I'm really sorry guys recently i have been pretty busy with few stuffs so that is why I wasn't be able to upload any new chapters but we are back on track now so here it go........

{Also we are going to ignore the fact that in the picture it's shinobu's hand:)}


"Upper moon 8" his eyes says. My arm started to freeze when that demon send dozens of ice towards me "shit get it together yn" i yell at myself.

Yn pov:

I swung my katana and successfully cut a few ice pieces but in mid attack my arm froze up "huh". The ices cut the side of my leg that caused me to fall on my knees "Shit this isn't looking good" i mumble.

The ice demon sends more ice towards me. "Oh come on" I tried to get up but my movements were really slow pretty sure even if i got up the ice would end me. I closed my eyes ready for the pain but it never came.

"Water breathing eleventh form: dead calm" i heard and opened my eyes. I saw giyu standing in front of me. "Giyu" i mumble. He directly went to attack the demon who sent the ice towards him. Which he dodged easily.

I felt something coming behind me i dodged it by inches. "Oh well hello young lady~" a black eye demon said. "Upper moon 9" written in his eyes his aurora was dark like super dark i don't know but might be darker then muzan himself. "Oh i see you are sensing my aurora, it's only fair if i do the same" he said as a black light came straight towards me. "What the hell" i thought as I tried to dodge it but it came back towards me. "This is no good my arm and leg both freezing me and i don't have any idea if this dark light hits me what will happen. I need to do something and fast"

"I need to raise my body temperature that way it might stop freezing me" i thought as i jumped out of the way of that dark light. The dark light made its way towards me again and hit me. I hiss in pain it was like it's soking every last energy in me. "YN" i hear giyu yelling.

"Huh where am I" i thought as found myself in forest. I look around and i sense a katana swinging towards me i dodged it and look up to see who it was.

"Father..." "i see now why you are worthy of being a hashira dodged with no cuts good job" he said. I can't believe my eyes father he is right in front of me but how "am i dead?" I ask as i look at my hands which were same. "No but you will be if you didn't wake up soon and fight. Fight for what's right fight for people around you fight for peace." He said with his same strictness tone. "Yn" he said as he come at my level and put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm really proud of you and your brother. Never forget i love you both and will always watch over you both. And i wish i never saw you anytime soon here. End this battle then live your life." I could feel myself tear up. He pull me in for a hug i cry my eye out.

"I'll do it I'll end this battle I'll end upper moon 1". "He is no joke yn you need train really hard and you can't able to defeat upper moon 3 who you ancounter 2 times now." "Next time it's either him or me who take there last breath". "It's better be him".

"Yn you need to go and defeat those moons now. Your lover wouldn't able to hold them back on his own." I blushed so hard hearing him addressing giyu as my lover. "I have no idea what you talking about". "I thought i just said I'm and I'll always watch over you and your brother so i know about the juicy drama" he said sounding like a teenager girl. "Please don't watch over too much" i said chuckling. "I like him, he is a good man" he said. I just smile in response. "I love you father" "I love you too yn and said the same to your brother"

Everything seem to change. I opened my eyes as i looked over giyu who was covered in bruises yet still fighting both demon at the same time. The ice demon throw ice towards him. "Oh hell no you filthy basterd, stay the fuck away from him" i said as i stand infront of him. "Breathing of light forth from: solar flair" i said as i swing my katana in circular motion and send powerful slashes cutting there attacks.

"Giyu listen to me you need to awaken your demon slayer mark. Incense your heartbeat focus on one thing which is to distory demons. Focus inside yourself let your aurora glow. Let it take over you and while you do that I'll handle these bitches myself" i said as i saw both of the demons have sent their attacks towards us, i rushed into attack. "breathing of light third form: Twilight" i said as i cut there attack. "Breathing of light sixth form: reflection" i said as i throw similar ice attack towards the dark demon and dark shadows towards ice demon. The dark demon dodge them but it hit ice demon.

"How is this brat still attacking even after i suck her whole energy". "Shut up i don't like to talk to demons unless it's nezuko" i said with no expression on my face. Both demon send there attacks towards me. "Water breathing sixth form: whirlpool" he said as a really big whirlpool appeared and stopped those demons attack. "Huh" I looked beside me and saw giyu with a mark on his face.

 "Huh" I looked beside me and saw giyu with a mark on his face

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"you did it" i said happily. "Let's end them" "together?" "together" he said. I extended my hand for him to hold.

Thank you guys for reading. I hope you enjoy it and please do vote. I'll see you in the next chapter (hopefully which i upload soon).....

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