chapter 21: I'll kill you

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I looked around a bit when i feel someone's presence behind me.
"Oh well hello We met again" he said. "this time I'll make sure we never met again" i reply without looking at him."oh i love to see you try".

Yn pov:

There was him standing "Akaza" i mumble as i looked in his eyes written "upper moon 3". "I'll kill you this time" i said in the most cold voice. "Breathing of light second form: shadow slash" i run in inhuman speed and send slashes cutting his arms and legs which he regains really quickly. "You sure have got alot stronger. Why don't you become a demon. We can grow stronger together" "i refuse" i said with no expression on my face. "As you wish. If Rengoku accepted my offer he would have been alive now. Oh by any chance do you know him?" "How dare you take his name from your pathetically dirty mouth".

"Breathing of light fifth form: sun sleeping angle" i said i could feel my strength and speed getting more and more powerful. I cut him in half. "Why are you even alive?" I ask him . "To get powerful duh" he said. He regained himself and kicked me, making me fly against a wall. "Usually i never fight women but you are different, for some reason i feel like killing you." He said as he got ready to throw some punches.

"Breathing of light first form: beam of light" i said sending a powerful light towards him which hit him and made him blind for a good 5-10 minutes. "He can definitely sense me just like i can sense him. Think something yn think"...........

"I can use my aurora power" i thought to myself as I stand there not moving a single muscle with close eyes. My all focus was on that light i watch growing.

No one's pov:

Yn is almost in selfless state when Akaza got his eyesight back. He saw yn standing with a close eye, without moving a single muscle. He decided to end her right here. He rushed in to punch her.

In second he found his arm cut off "huh, what happened" he mumbled as he heard. "breathing of light third form: Twilight" she said with no emotions in her eyes, voice or face. This scares Akaza. He rushed in to attack again but there was no use she either cut his arm and legs or dodged inches away.

"Breathing of light fifth form:sun sleeping angle" she said as she cut his neck. But there was no use his will to live was so strong that even after cutting his head. He lended a hard core puchn in her stomach.

"Sun saved you twice, but next time I'll end you" he said and run away. Yn was bleeding. But just in time some kakushi was walking by and saw yn laying there with a bleeding stomach. They bandage her wounded stomach as they take her to butterfly manoor. Yn is already fainted on the way. Everyone panicked seeing yn coming like that. Shinobu rushed towards yn to check on her. Fortunately she found a pulse. She told kakushi to follow her in her manoor.

She started operating on yn and make medicines for her. After what seem like hours she come out and told every that yn is fine but it will take time to wake up.
Everyone sighed in relief when they know she is fine. They all take turns to monitor her just in case.

Even kamado group come to visit her. Yes she can be tough but with younglings she is really a sweetheart. She once beat Sami for abusing in front of mui. Sami also get beaten up for treated tanjiro like a shit. And he too afraid to go after nezuko because he want to live for now. Obanai already saw what will happen so he doesn't dare to do anything. She is the one who keeps these two troublemakers in check. Giyu always offer to take extra shift to spend more time with her.

After couple of weeks she woke up with giyu by her side. She smile at his sleeping figure. She run her fingers in his hair. "So soft" she mumble. Which causes to giyu wake up. "Morning" she said. "Morning- WAIT YOU ARE AWAKE" he yell. "Ugh my head hurt can you please not shout" "oh sorry I'll call shinobu" she nodded. "Oh and don't you dare to sleep again you already have weeks of sleep" "what the fuck are you talking about". He left to get shinobu.

Yn pov:

Ugh my whole body hurt like hell. "morning yn" shinobu said entering my room behind her was giyu. "Hey. For how long was i out?" "Almost 3 weeks" "hmm not too bad ig last time when i fight him i was out for 2 months" "what you mean him" she said as she examine me "upper moon 3" i said. "Eh you fight upper moon 3?" "Yeah that basterd didn't die even after i cut his neck" "what" i hm in response. "I use my aurora power to defeat him but it seem way harder to to kill him. My aurora did work he couldn't able to touch me until i cut his neck and let my guard down. That's when he punched me in stomach."

"I need to report to master." I said. "No need yn I'm here you should just rest" master said. "oh good morning master" i said with a smile. "Very good morning." He said with a smile. "I crossed paths with the upper moon 3 again and-" he interrupted me and said with a smile "We will talk about this later but right now all you should focus on getting better, we all need you yn". "Of course master". He walked away.

"Akaza next time we meet i promise I'll kill you ." i thought to myself.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy it and please do vote. I'll see you in next chapter.

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