chapter 10: hashira meeting (part 2)

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"Pretty sure mitsuri wanted to say that" i thought to myself.

Yn pov:

"Before the meeting can you kindly elaborate us master, about this young swordsmen right there who it appears has accomplished by a demon?" Sanemi said.

"Of course i apologise for the confusion, everyone i would really appreciate if you all accept tanjiro and nezuko, they are no danger to us" master said.

"I fully respect your wish master but i can't bring myself to do that"

"I'm also opposed to this! A slayer traveling with a demon is unacceptable" tengen said.

"I shall do as you wish master" mitsuri said.

"I'm fine with either way since I'm gonna forget" mui said.

"I won't trust them! Absolutely not. First of all, i loathe demons." Obanai said.

"Although i respect you with all my heart, master. That's an imcomprehen notion. I opposed it with everything i got." Rengoku said.

"The demon slayer corps mission is to annihilate demons. I request you to penalize both kamado and tomioka" sanemi said earning a glare from me.

"Forgive me master but i also can't accept your request. We are all here to eliminate demons not to work with them" said nii chan

"How about you yn, what are your thoughts on this" master ask.

"I have sense there aurora and it's really pure. Also i didn't find any evil in nezuko. So I'll accept your request master." I said.

"Letter" he said to his daughter who start reading the litter writen by the former water hashira asking to let tanjiro accompany his sister. And how she hasn't lost her human mind. At the end it says tanjiro, former water hashira and giyu.....what giyu they- they will committee seppuku if nezuko ever devours a human. I instantly looked towards giyu. I know nezuko would never devour a human but...

"so, what if they committee seppuku? If you want to die, then rot for all i care. It's no guarantee! Not bu long short" sanemi said which casue me to snap out of my thoughts.

"Shinazugawa is right....................if she kill and devoured a human, there is no going back. It wouldn't bring back people who were killed." Rengoku said.

"You have a point" master said. "We can't guarantee that she will never hurt a human. We can't prove it............. That said we can't also prove she will attack a human" he continued.

"The fact that she hasn't devoured any human for more then 2 years. There are three people ready to risk their life for her. Now those who want to refuse it must offer an even more convincing argument." Master said.

"There also something i did like to replay you my child, tanjiro has meet muzan" master said which shocked us all.

"No impossible, not a one hashira has encountered him" tengen said.

"What does he look like, was he strong, did you battle him" he said question after other and process to fall mitsuri.

I went to help mitsuri up and looks like giyu has a same idea. "why" i ask him "we will talk later" he said as he helped mitsuri to stand on her feet.

"What was muzan doing? Do you find him strong? Hey answer me" sanemi said as he shake that poor child's head with his hair

"Sanemi can you please stop shaking him, so he can answer your questions" i said.

Master put his finger to his lips making us all silent. "Now muzan has give himself away for the first time, i don't want to let go. I also believe something's happening to nezuko that muzan never saw coming. Can you try to understand."

"No i can't understand, master. If it were human, I'd be okay to letting it live, but not a demon. Not after all that we demon slayers have gone through in battles. Not after so many people have lost there life. It's unacceptable!" Sanemi said as he took out his sword and cut his arm.

"Master I'll prove it to you. The real ugliness of a demon!" He continues.

He let his blood drop on the box and said "oi oi oi demon come out, it's time to eat. Sink your teeth in this!". Tanjiro struggle to get out of those ropes "don't you will make things worse for yourself as well as your sister's." i said to him.

"no need to hold yourself back. Just show us your true colour and I'll obliterate you right here!" Sanemi continued when obanai said "shinazugawa it's no good doing it in the sunlight. We have to go in the shade or the demon wouldn't show its face." "Huh so you do have a brain after all obanai. But still you and sanemi are dead as soon as this meeting is over" i thought to myself.

"Master, please forgive this discourtesy." Sanemi said as he jumped inside the room. He threw the box and stabbed it. "STOP IT!" tanjiro yells and silent by obanai who literally killing him slowly.

"Come on out demon!" Sanemi said as he stabbed the box again. "Look it's the human blood that you love so much" he continues.

He open the box and the demon comes out growling at him. "What's the matter demon. Have a taste, i know you want it." he said provokibly.

"Iguro you are digging in him too hard. Erase up a bit please" shinobu says which catches my attention and i look towards the boy who wasn't able to breathe because of how much obanai is forcing power in him.

"I'm only pinning him down because he is trying to move" obanai said. Shinubo knows it's a waste to say anything to obanai since he isn't going to listen so she tries to reason with that boy about how his veins will burst if he use breathing techniques while his lungs are being squeezed.

"His veins will burst! I like it, it sounds good. Come on start bursting" tengen said "can you please shut up for once tengen" i said totally irritated by everyone's behaviour.

Suddenly tanjiro was out of ropes and shouted nezuko's name and the next thing nezuko did shocked everyone. She looked away in disgust. "What happened" master asked.

"The demon girl looked away in disgust. Although shinazugawa stabbed her three times and is flaunting his bloody arm in her face. She restricted herself and didn't bite" one of the daughters replies.

"So with that it's been proven that she will not hurt humans right?" Master said. Then he turned towards tanjiro and told him how there are still some people who will not accept them so they must prove them wrong and kill moons. Tanjiro replied that he and nezuko will defeat muzan when the master said as he is ill-equipped to do that right now so he should keep it down to take moons now. I couldn't help but giggle. He also asked him to respect hashira since they are stronger and older then him.

Master told obanai and sanemi to not be hard on younglings. Then he turned towards me and said with a smile "try to keep your calm and don't kill either of them". "I'll try master" i reply.

Shinubo asks to take them to her manoor. When kakushi were taking tanjiro and nezuko away. He comes back and asks the master to headbump sanemi for how he treated nezuko. I saw mui picking up a stone and throwing it towards tanjiro's head as he said "you are not allowed to interrupt the master." Those kakushi start apologizing and bla bla mui told them to get out of our sight. They picked up tanjiro and ran away.

"Shall we start our meeting" master ask

"Yes master" we reply in union.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy and please do vote I'll see you in the next chapter.

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