chapter 34: how could you?

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He smiled and hugged me back. "thank you" he mumbled. "Thank you for everything" he added


Later i went to nii chan's manoor to talk to him about his behaviour earlier. I knock on the door. The door opened by some kakushi "hello yn-sam" he said as he stand next to wild open door to let me in. "Hello" i said with a smile as i enter. "If you are looking for your brother, he must be in the backyard" he said and disappear in the manoor.

I started making my way to backyard when i heard sound of clashing katana. I quietly peek to see what's going on. I saw few nii chan's tsuguko training together. I went over to them "hey" i said with a smile. "Oh good afternoon, yn-sam" one of them said. "is she really yn ln?" "She is the light hashira who encounter 4 upper moons by now" "eh really" "she doesn't look that strong tho" i heard them whisper. "Do you know where is my brother" "aki-sam just went inside, kitchen probably" i nodded and went inside.

I enter the kitchen and saw him drinking water. "we need to talk" "sure we do" he said turning around to face me. "I don't like him. You aren't gonna date him. That's it end of conversation" "you do realise you can't control me and i love him. He is my everything. I don't care if you like him or not, father likes him and it's his opinion that matters to me the most" i said while looking at him dead in the eyes. "too bad he is dead" i was shocked at how casually he just said that " ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MIND" i yell, i yell at him. He was shocked seeing me yelling at him like that. "HOW COULD YOU? HUH? HOW COULD YOU JUST CASUALLY SAY THAT" "YN" he yell back "DON'T YN ME, i can't believe you right. What's happened to you?" I asked him, he was looked at the floor. Probably finally realised what he actually said.

"You need to get your act together. And i don't really wanna say it but now i have to when i needed my brother when i needed his protection he abandoned me but now when I'm finally happy you suddenly remembered you have a little sister to look after? Talk to me when you are finally ready to accept me and giyuu being together. Oh and also he asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday and i said yes" i said and walked out of his manoor.


Raven came and told me that tengen and the trio had defeated upper moon 6. Tengen retired and the trio are in really bad condition. I went to shinobu's manoor to see how are they doing. "Hey shinobu, how trio doing and where is nezuko" i asked her "yn, tanjiro and inosuke have really bad injuries it might take them months to recover. Zenitsu doesn't have much injuries but still it's gonna take time for him to recover as well. They all are unconscious right now but I'll update you as soon as any of them get up. Oh and nezuko in that room" she said pointing towards a room at the end of the hallway. "She is recovering as well. She is sleeping" she said.

I sigh of relief as i know all of them are back without losing anyone. "thank you shinobu" i smiled at her. "it's alright, but yn i got to go and check on others. See ya" "alright" she walked away in one of the rooms. I went to nezuko's room. Knock on the door so i don't startle her. I went inside and saw nezuko sleeping peacefully. She tiredly opened her eyes and jumped on me as she realised who I'm. "I missed you too" i said hugging her back. "Are you feeling okay?" I asked and nodded with tired eyes. "Sleepy?" I asked her again and she nodded again. Went to sleep on my lap. I lightly brushed her hair with my finger as i hummed a song to her.

Sure she is a demon but isn't like others. She is gentle with everyone i know it, she wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone. I lost in my world that I didn't realise someone was standing on the doorway watch me. I looked up and my eyes met his. I put nezuko back in bed but she doesn't let my sleeve of haori let go. "it's okay I'll be back tomorrow. You should rest so we can play together" i said to her with a smile. With that she went back to sleep.

I walk towards the door where he was standing blocking my way. "what are you doing?" I ask him. "Just watching my beautiful girlfriend playing a mother role". I looked down at the floor i never had a mother i did had my aunt but she wasn't able to take her place either. "do you think I'll be a good mother?" I asked him still lowering my face.

He held my chin making me look at him. "Yn don't doubt that, the way you are with nezuko and Tokitō, how much you love and care about them just show how good you will be with our kids someday". Giyuu was saying something more but I wasn't able to hear it my mind was repeating only one word 'our' did he actually wanted to have kids with me. I was red as a tamato.

"are you okay?" He asked putting his hand over my forehead in attempt to check my temperature. "Yea-yeah i-i-im f-fine" i shutter so bad. 'What the fuck yn' i thought to myself.

(Are you having deja vu yn?)


Thank you sooooooooooooo oo much for reading. I hope you enjoy it and please do vote. I'll see you in the next chapter. Until then take care of yourself<333333333333

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